Chapter 13

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* Gulf Pov *

When he got to the room he dropped me on the bed and then crawled over me, then he brought his face closer to mine and stopped just inches before connecting our lips. He was purposefully teasing me, very aware that I could feel the bulge in his pants.

I held his gaze as I brought my hand to caress his face. He closes his eyes and leans into my touch, I take his signal and move my hand down his neck, he angled his head back so that I can have more access. I continued to move my hand down to his chest and started taking off his shirt. Mew looked at me then, with half closed lids and flared nostrils. I continued to hold his stare and I watched as his eyes change colors the minute my fingers connected with the heated skin of his chest. It was a beautiful scene to watch, then he let out a low growl, like he couldn't control himself any longer, and then lowered his lips to mine.

We started kissing, both of us hungry for each other, he pushed his tongue in for more access which I granted then he uses his to tangle with mine, like he wanted to taste every part of my mouth. Mew slowly started kissing along on my jaw, nipping as he went along down my neck to my collarbone, he paused to rip my shirt off not caring and threw it across the room. He continued using his tongue to lick his way down my body. I kept my hands in his hair, or on his body caressing his body as he was exploring mine.

" Do you know how much I missed you?" He said as he continued his tongue journey.

" No how much?" I asked looking as he paused at the zipper of my pants. I continued watching as he unzipped my pants and pulled it down along with my underwear.

"Let me show you" he said as he slowly rubbed his hands up my legs. He followed his hands with small little bites up my thighs, my legs opened up on their own. I don't know how much longer im going to last if he keeps going.

" Mew " I whined as I tried to control my breathing.

"Hmmm, you taste so good Gulf, I want more" he said as he stopped just above my throbbing member that was standing up just for him.

He then took me in his hands and starting pumping. I knew I was fighting a losing battle, as I clutched the bed sheets from the incredible sensation building up in me. Suddenly I felt his warm mouth envelope me in his mouth, I shot off the bed, he held my hips as he continued to bob his head up and down sucking everything out me.

" Mew I'm.... I'm.... I'm coming" I said as my hands searched for him, for our lips to be connected as I came.

" Don't you dare! " he growled as he quickly removed his mouth, licked his lips and went to moving his own pants and underwear.

I watched in amazement as he removed his clothes and the whole reason he was a proud Greek God, sprang forth before my eyes. I slowly looked at his beautiful naked body in all its glory before me, from head to toe perfection, I smiled as my eyes connected with his luminous gold ones, I took a deep breath as my body stirred and my member yearned to be connected with him. I licked my lips as my eyes settled on his standing tall.

When he noticed, he quickly climbed over me on the bed and settled between my legs. He then inserted a finger in my warm center which was already so tight and wet. I winced at the intrusion, but slowly relaxed as the pain turned to pleasure. He moved slowly with one finger as I relaxed he inserted another,then another, my legs parted even wider I can't believe the fire in me was building up again , he was kept moving slowly pushing me to the edge.

" Mew......" I reached for him, he leaned forward but instead of my lips he grabbed my nipples and sucked softly, flicking his tongue back and forth, making me scream.

" That's it baby, let me hear you, don't hold back" he continued pushing me until I exploded all over both of us.

He smiled as he removed his fingers, then licked them one by one. The sight of him licking my juices aroused me again I wanted more. I grabbed him by the back of his neck and pulled him down, kissing him greedily, sucking on his tongue. I whined when he separated us, but I couldn't handle it anymore I flipped us so that I was now on top. I moved to straddle him, then I slowly lowered my self on to him. My body stretched to accommodate his size, but he left so good, so perfect, I wish we could stay like this forever.

" You feel so good on top of me Gulf, you ready to ride?" Mew said as he guided me up and down his shaft.

We started at a slow pace at first. Then he started moving faster, pumping into me as I rode him harder, up and down, faster and faster. I could feel his claws come out and scratch against my skin as he grabbed my ass and tried to squeeze. It felt so good, the way he filled me up completely, I was riding this high as long as I could. Then he sat up with me still riding him, and crushed his body to mine then his lips followed. I could feel his nails dig into my back as I hit my peak and screamed. He quickly silenced me with his kisses and kept pumping until he shot out everything into my walls, I could feel the warm liquid inside me.

We both fell back on to the bed with me falling on his chest, I couldn't move. A few minutes after we both got our breathing back to normal, I felt him lift me up, bodies still connected and carried me to the bathroom. As soon as he pulled himself put of me and guided me to shower, I felt the loss of something missing.

When we were done we crawled back into bed, and and snuggled with our arms and legs intertwined together. I was slowly drifting into relaxed slumber when he said....

" I'm sorry if I hurt you just now, I was so caught up in our love making that I couldn't control my changing." He said as he gently touched the marks he had  made on my back. I smiled at his sweetness.

" Stop worrying I consider them love marks, besides if that's how you punish me.......well you can do so anytime" I teased as I cuddled him closer.

" I love you Mew" I added.

" I love you too Gulf" he said as he kissed my forehead, then we both sweetly drifted off into a peaceful slumber wrapped in each other's arms.

" I love you too Gulf" he said as he kissed my forehead, then we both sweetly drifted off into a peaceful slumber wrapped in each other's arms

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A/N:- Hey friends, hope you enjoy, I tried to make it spicy. Tell me what you think, like, comment or vote.

Thank you to all those who added me to their reading lists and already voted, everyday I wake up and see your support I 😃. Now let's leave these two cute lovebirds shhh...... See you next chapter 💗💗🙏🙏💗💗

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