Chapter 9

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While Gulf takes the time to think about his feelings, let's visit our favorite besties.😊

I can't believe im standing in front of his door like a love sick puppy, I need to have my head examined, Team thought to himself. He thought about leaving before knocking but changed his mind. So he took a deep breath and knocked on the door. The door opened after the second knock, Win stood on the other side with a satisfied smile on his face.

" Ok I'm here, you can wipe that smile off your face. What the hell is with the constant messages?" Team asked.

" Hey, I'm smiling because of you, come in please. " Win said.

Team just shook his head and walked into the room.

" So what was so urgent that I had to rush over here?" Team asked.

"Would you like some water?" Win said, he wasn't sure why he was nervous suddenly.

" Quit stalling Win, you have two minutes to tell me what you want " Team added as he sat on the couch.

Win smiled as he looked over at Team, he's known this boy for a short time and yet he seems to can't get enough. He wants him around all the time.

" I want you" Win said, he decided to be straightforward with Team.

He knew the junior would skin him alive in a second but he couldn't help it.

" We agreed that it was a one time thing, why are you bringing this back up?" Team released a frustrated sigh.

Win walked over and sat next to Team in the chair, he needed him to understand how he was feeling.

A couple nights ago, Win was helping Team with his back strokes, they had just finished a few laps competing on who was faster when Win grabbed Team and kissed him. Their adrenaline was still high, that it turned into them spending the night together. The next morning, they both agreed it was a mistake and to never talk about it again.

But since then Win hasn't been able to stop thinking about it. They have flirted back and forth with each other, but nothing serious. Now Win wanted more from Team, and hoped he wanted the same.

" Team, I know you know that I'm different, you saw me that night. Is that what you won't take a chance with me or is it because I'm a man?" Win asked, silently holding his breath, he's not sure if he could handle either answer.

Team turned and glared at Win, he couldn't believe he would ask him that. Truthfully, it had nothing to do with what Win thought. He was just scared. He didn't have the best history with relationships and that caused him to second guess getting close to anyone.

"Win how could you think that or even ask me that, do you think so little of me?" Team asked.

" Of course not, so tell me why you are fighting what's between us then?" Win asked

" I'm just scared ok!" Team shouted, got up and turned his back to Win, feeling embarrassed.

Win was surprised by what he just heard, he immediately got up and went to stand behind Team but he didnt touch him, even though he really wanted to.

" Team, please believe I would never hurt you, so please don't be scared of me" it hurt Win to say.

Team turned around ready to slap Win across his face for being so stupid, but stopped when he looked and saw the pained look in his eyes.

" Win listen to me carefully, I'm not scared of you, I have no reason to be, I'm scared of myself. I don't have the best history in relationships and im just scared that you and I will end up the same way." He said as he brought Win's face to look at his.

" Hey, is that all, we all have good and bad relationships in our past,but that doesn't mean we should stop looking for what makes us happy." Win said as he continued to hold Teams gaze.

" That's true I suppose" Team added.

" Team all I'm asking is you not doom our relationship, before it becomes one.  Open your heart for me, I promise to take good care of it" Win said as he caressed Team's face.

Team closed his eyes and leaned into Win's caress. When he opened his eyes and looked at Win, he saw that his eyes had turned to warm red almost burgundy color. It was beautiful and it calmed him some how. He decided to take a leap and moved his face closer and connect their lips.

He started to lightly kiss Win, just softly nibbling on his upper lip, then he moved tonhis lower lip, then he started placing light kisses along his jawline, then he moved to his neck. As soon as he started to suck the area just below his Adam's apple, he could hear Win's breathing change.

He felt his hands wrap around his waist and squeeze him while gripping his shirt. When he heard the small moan coming from Win he knew, his senior was almost on the edge. He pulled away to look into Win's eyes and saw they become lighter im color, he smiled seductively at him.

" You keep looking and smiling at me like that and you won't be able to walk in the morning." Win said as he smiled back.

" Is that a challenge?" Team said knowing how competitive Win was.

" Don't tease me, I'm trying to hold on as hard as I can right now" Win said while slipped one hand under Teams shirt and started to run his hand up and down his bare back.

Sssss, you're the one not playing fair right now. Just let it go Win, you know you can't hang on much longer" Team said as he slipped his hand under the front of Win's shirt.

He started moving it up and down his chest stopping to squeeze a hardened bud, then moving over to give the other the same attention. Win was fighting a losing battle. He wanted to go slow this time but Team was playing dirty.

" Do you know what you're asking for?" He wanted to make sure they wanted the same thing before they went any further.

Team couldn't hold on much longer himself, he could feel Win's desire for him trying burst out of his pants. He understood exactly what he was asking for because it matched his desire as well. He knew exactly how to push him over the edge.

So he pulled Win's shirt up over his head and threw it across the room, then Team used his tongue to lick from the bottom of Win's Adam's apple to the top, then he sucked on the spot so hard that we sure it would leave a mark. Then whispered ....

" Did I ever tell you that when your eyes change, it turns me on?" Team said.

Win couldn't take it anymore, what Team just said was the last straw, it was like something snapped. He picked up Team and swung him over his shoulder.

" Hey, what are you doing!" Team said as he tried to get down.

" You asked for it, now quit wiggling up there or I'm going to bite you right on your cute ass" Win said as he walked with Team to the bedroom.

" You wouldn't dare!" Team said trying to sound shocked but loving this side of Win.

Win dropped Team right on the bed as soon as they got in the room. He was enjoying the sight of an aroused Team in his bed.

" Just so you know we are skipping practice tomorrow morning, I haven't decided yet if I'll let you go to class either. " he said as he proceeded to pull Teams shirt over his head and toss it across the room.

Win licked his lips when he saw Teams chest, his plan was to explore every inch of his body with tongue just to start.

" Aren't we sure of ourselves now" Team said as he lifted one his legs and used to it to stroke between Win's legs as he stood infront of him.

He watched as Win's nostrils flared and his eyes turned more red now as he looked at back at Team through half closed eye lids.

Win slowly crawled up Team's body on the bed and stopped just above his lips. Lips that were so full its like they beckoned him every time Team moved them.

" Why shouldn't I be sure, I'm your man now aren't I " Win said then he kissed him.

A/N: Hey guys, let me know what you think. Let me know if you like their cameo too. I kind of feel like I'm intruding on their private moment so im going to sneak out quietly😜
See you next chapter, back to our leading lovebirds.🙏💗

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