Chapter 23

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Gulf P.O.V.

The next day I got up with a mission I needed to accomplish. I was going to straighten everything out. Why are they always keeping secrets from me.

I caught up Team on my plan when I saw him the next morning. He was just as shocked as I was. He never knew about the family connection either. He was a little upset but he was more concerned about what I was going to do. But he wasn't changing my mind. I walked over by the court yards where I knew the guys hung out when they had free periods and didn't want people staring at them.

" Hey! " I said as I approached them.

Win looked at Mew who was sitting in front of him but his back was to me.

" Hey guys now is not a good time, how about we call you later" he said looking uncomfortable.

" Why so you can come up with more lies and secrets to hide" I said.

" What are you talking about?" Win said looking between Mew and me.

" I know about Alex" I said then
finally looked at Mew.

He still hadn't moved, just pretented I wasn't there. He kept his stare straight ahead.

" You called?" Alex said when he walked up to us with a smirk on his face.

" What the hell are you doing here?" Win asked.

" I was invited, right baby boy " he said trying to flirt with me.

Right then Mew finally got up and turned towards us, with a stern look on his face.

" What do you think you're doing Gulf?" He looked over at me, visibly upset.

" Knock it off Alex, I called everybody here to clear the air of all the secrets every body seems to be hiding" I said while looking at everyone.

" Why don't you worry about your business and stay out of mine" Alex said .

" I would happily, but I just found out your business is affecting my life brother in law " I answered annoyed.

Everybody turned and looked at me surprised by what I said.

" You mean all this time you didn't know, hmmmm, wow brother, I'm offended, or maybe you're not as close as I thought" Alex shook is head with a smirk.

" Look Gulf, you're in no position to demand any information, as a matter of fact, do your family know about us? About me? That you're even dating? Better yet dating a guy?" He said getting more upset.

" Well..... No but I will tell them in my own time, it's complicated. Besides this right now isn't about me and my family, it's about you and yours" I said.

" Stay out if it!!" Mew said to Gulf then turned to Alex...

" What the hell are you laughing at? Do you think this funny" He said to Alex.

" What I find funny brother is that you seem to can't keep a partner, I mean, this looks like it's going downhill fast. It's quite hilarious actually" Alex answered and started laughing.

Next thing I know, Mew rushes pass me and charges at Alex. Win immediately jumped up and pushed Team and I out of the way.

" Why arent you helping stop this?" I asked Win.

" Because it's a long time coming, that little brat deserves it." He answered.

I watched as the Mew and Alex started fighting on the ground. Both throwing punches and dripping clothes. Then Mew was thrown into a nearby tree, he just got back up and was ready again.

I then looked at Alex, his eyes had changed and flicked his wrist and threw Mew at the tree again and again, but he just kept getting up angrier.

" I have to do something.." I pushed against Win.

" You can't get between them when they're like this, let them sort it out" he said.

"Hes hurting Mew..."  I watched scared.

" You know Mew is strong, he can handle him, it's not the first time, but they are drawing attention, but there's only one person who can stop them and here they come" he said as we all watched a black car pull up.

An beautiful older woman stepped out, she looked around and smiled when she spotted Win. She walked over to us, as soon as she stopped, she smiled at us.

"Win how's my boy, staying out of trouble I hope?" She asked while hugging him.

" Hello mom, I'm trying to be good as promised, I wish my call was for a better reason" he said looking frustrated and turned to where Alex and Mew were still fighting.

She nodded and looked over in the direction of his gaze. I watched as the smile on her face faded and was replaced by not anger but disappointment.

" Don't you worry, I'll take care of them, you take care of your friends" she touched his face with a fragile smile and turned towards the fighters.

She walked a couple feet from them, and I noticed she took a deep breath, and I could barely see her eyes when they turned a goldish color, she released an low intimidating growl when she spoke....

" Boys..."  She said.

Then turned and walked away with the boys following behind, heads held low.

Mew stopped in front of Gulf and looked at him sadly before continuing behind his mother.

Mew stopped in front of Gulf and looked at him sadly before continuing behind his mother

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A/N: My heart is with you Mew.....💞

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2022 ⏰

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