Chapter 2

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*Mew Pov*

I watched as the tall beauty walked away. Mentally shook myself and continued to class. I couldn't get the mystery man out of my head. By the time I made it to swim practice after class I was still thinking about him.
All the guys were gathered by the pool, as I changed I joined them.

"Well hello stranger" Win smiled as he greeted me.

I just smirked back at him and nodded to the rest of the group.

" Now that everyone is here, we have some new blood trying out for the team. Ok guys get out here and take your marks."

We all turned around and saw three guys walk and take their positions. I took a sharp breathe as I noticed one of the guys trying out was the same guy from this morning. I hung back and watched the race, they all did great but his time was exceptional. I smiled to myself and stayed in the back behind everyone as they went to congratulate the guys. Luckily we had spots for all three since some our teammates had graduated. Then I hear Win call out to me.

" Mr. President would you like to welcome our new teammates or are you just going to stand there and stare" he smirked.

The group separated as I walked forward and stopped right in front of my mystery man. I stared straight into his eyes and it felt like I forgot to breathe, until Win bumped my shoulder. I wasn't sure if I liked this feeling or not because I didn't know why I was so drawn to him.

"Welcome to the team guys, as you already know we are a undefeated team and I would like to keep it that way."
I said as my eyes never left his.
He kept looking back at me with water droplets falling from his hair and face, but not once did he break the connection.

" Would you like to know their names, on your left is Yacht, on your right is Team and the young man you seem to can't keep your eyes off of, Gulf." Win said with a smile on his face.

I finally broke eye contact and released a frustrated breath as I looked at Win. He just smirked mischievously and shook his head. I watched as he led the boys to the locker room to change.

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