A New Chance*

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Re-written May 21

Izuku is a quirkless kid and his day was only getting worse from here.

To preface, things already sucked in general. The only highlight was that he didn't get any beatings that day. But other than that? No. His mother had left him permanently - leaving him only a note saying that she will never return and hopes that he goes back to whatever hell he crawled out of, which honestly, rude-

That alone sucked, but then he had to deal with hunger and overall bad living conditions that his now resigned (Can you resign being a parent? Is that even legal? Nevermind) parent. Now he either has to find a job whose employers dont mind child labour to pay the rent, or find a sponsor in the form of a family that's willing to take in a charity case like him.

At this point he's willing to be a political tool to some random rich person, probably someone who recently got into a scandal and needs good PR by taking in a poor orphaned child with their good graces if it meant leaving that god awful apartment.

Like seriously who thought beer bottles and blood stains were a good look?

Nothing will happen if he just lists all the cons of his situation, so he stands up and puts on his signature red shoes to go outside with his mask. He has no particular destination and honestly just wants to get away for a while and think. Might as well get some work done.

Until his neighbor who woke up and chose violence.

So yeah. Shout out to 12 year olds whose lives weren't a mess.

He took a sharp left that led directly to the back roads where people who don't want to get noticed walk. The rules were simple: don't look at anybody, walk fast and with purpose, and keep your nose outside of people's business. Whatever happens in the alleys, stay in the alleys, plus there are always heroes and cops undercover so it's better to keep to yourself unless you want to be hunted down by the Alley.

Every corner there were filled with silent whispers of coded messages, crypted graffiti and the occasional blood stained floor. He took note of everything he saw, marking down all the ones undercover and the top 50 wanteds he saw.

He finds it amusing how those law enforcers think they're actually being sneaky. They stick out like a sore thumb. All the information they somehow were able to gather were either by complete accident by some rookie-which were dealt with quickly. Nobody will notice a new body on the pile unless you were that one weirdo-, or they were the information they wanted them to know.

He wandered aimlessly until he decided he could go to one of the parks in the area, having scoped around enough for today. Nobody gives a second glance at a random child.

He sat down at a secluded area and wondered where he's going to go from there. His mind thinking of possibilities, his first idea of being a political tool sounded good at first but being the center of attention, even just for a little bit, would hinder his work.

His thoughts wandered until they reached the subject of heroes. He could find a trustworthy hero to give valuable information to in exchange for sponsoring his life, the only issue was who.

He couldn't go to the number 1 hero, it would garner too much attention, h8m being a very public figure and all that. But he also cant take some D lister (they woulndt be able to do anything useful with his level of information. Most D listers are at that rank for a reason) or any of the underground heroes (they're too well known in the Alley, too risky even for him).

What he needs is someone with enough influence to actually do something with what he has to offer but works enough in the shadows to guarantee his safety. The perfect grey area.

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