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The alleyway Izuku came out of was 2 blocks away from the Todoroki household, but even from that distance you can already smell light smoke.

Katsuki: Get on my back, this isnt a good sign. I'll get us there faster.

Izuku: I still havent gotten a reply from my signal so its just us until then so ready yourself.

The ash blonde boy nodded as the walking broccoli made his way behind the other and jumped on.

Quickly getting set, the explosive boy used his equally explosive quirk and sped through the block.

They soon reached the Todoroki household, a large traditional japanese home that was clearly based of the Uchihas territory.

The smell of smoke is now more prominent but there was no flane in sight.

Izuku: An indoor flame mist probably quirk use. Nobody is reporting the smell so its either a too notmal of an occurance or they just dont care, either way its despicable.

The cunning little greenette is still piggy back ridding his friend, and so he leans in to his right ear and whispers.

Izuku: So far there havent been any signs of people reporting the smell of smoke, not a good sign. Enter the house without being noticed by its inhabitants and find the source of the smell, do it as quickly as possible.

Katsuki: Got it. Hold on tight, were going through the vents.

Mr. Freckles nodded his head and grabbed on tighter. As soon as the pomeranian felt this he blasted through the sky, steadily reaching the roof near an opening.

Katsuki pulled Izuku off gently but with speed. The smaller child then took the first initiative and opened the vent first.

A puff of smoke was then released leaving the brave soul with face full of dust. His partner couldnt help but smirk at the small pout that found its way on the greenettes face.

Izuku: Your lucky I love you and your clean freak butt. But that doesnt mean revenge is out if the question, Im no saint k-a-c-c-h-a-n.

A cold breeze made its way to the roof, making the blonde shiver. He turned away from his recently dirtied friemd for a second to sneeze, only to turn back to an empty roof and a open vent.

He sighs and jumoed in hilding his breath, when he sensed that he was about to land he held tiny explosions, just enough to help his landing but not to garter attention.

He was greeted by a Izuku who wore his serious face.

Izuku: These vents are too big to fit us standing up. Its obvious he knows about the smoke and needs to have it this big means there is just that much fire involved that they needed this much for circulation.
I already took a pic, we'll add this ti the file later, now we need to navugate through this house so we need to split up.

Katsuki: Im not leaving you Izuku.

Izuku: This is no time for you to be protective of me when theres OTHER people that need protecting. I know im weak but im not useless, i can do anything as long as I put my mind in it, and im sure as hell that Im putting my mind into this one. Be the hero that you didnt get a chance to meet when you needed saving.


Shut up brat! Its all your fault that hes hurting!


Izuku: Go now! I'll lead him out to the entrance, I'll make some preperations to make sure this is his last time outside of a prison cell.

No words were exchanged after this, just speedy actions.

A/n: okay so I finaly got around to writing 2 chapters for you guys. Im sorry that its not a 1000 words but school is very demanding.

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