Lunch Rush meets Izuku

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. . .W i t h  N e z u . . .

Right when Aizawa entered Recovery Girls office the all mighty rat god sped through the halls, ignoring the teachers stares at the speeding principal. He didnt care on what the other teachers think, Nezu was determined to get the best food for his soon to be son.

Not long after he reached the cafeteria where Lunch Rush was based and was preping the kitchen for the soon hungry students that will stop by later.

Nezu entered the kitchen and called for the food genius that is Lunch Rush for a discussion about the adorably young hungry greenette.

Lunch Rush: What is it Principal Nezu? I dont think you need my help in making your tea, perhaps you want some snacks to come a long with it?

Nezu: Well actually I want to talk to you about a young greenette boy that would appreciate some food.

Lunch Rush: May I ask on who is this young boy is?

Nezu: Well if you should know, he was abandoned by his parents and even before that he seemed to be ignored and not taken very good care off. He fainted after I found him in front of my office and talked about what he wants from me. When Recovery Girl checked up on him she said he was severely malnutritioned, and was ghostly thin.

Luch Rush: Oh my... I shall not let a child starve under my watch! Now tell me where is he right now, I need to see this poor child and plan out his meals from now on and erase the word hungry in his vocabulary.

Luch Rush huffed in determination. He was emmiting an intense energy, safe to say Nezu was right on the dot regarding the reaction of the amazing cook of UA. The genius rat was smirking on the inside while his expression stayed neutral

Nezu: You are welcome to visit him anytime, and I think you should bring him food when visiting him later.

Lunch Rush: Oh I'm going to visit him right now, his food is all ready. Care to walk with me Nezu?

While Nezu was talking he was already moving his hands and preparing a bowl of katsudon.

Nezu: I would love that.

The two heroes speed walk to Recovery Girls office both excited to see the greentte  both earning stares of the teachers as well as some students.

The two men were racing with each other wanting to get a look of the kid first. Luch Rush wanting to see the young boy and make sure that the boy wont starve any longer not while hes around to make sure of it. Nezu trying to out speed him for the fear of Lunch Rush falling for Izukus cuteness and getting a jump on him on the young boys love with the power of food. Who was he to compete when all he can do is brew tea?

Before they knew it they barged in Recovery Girls office surpring the 3 inside while the 2 heroes were panting, trying to catch their breath.

Izuku: Nezu?

The boy tilted his head to the side with eyes of curiosity. His fluffy green hair bouncing at the movement and.

Nezu: mY HeARt ~~~ RIP
Im back Izuku. And I brought Pro Hero Lunch Rush with me. He wanted to meet you.

Lunch Rush: Well hello there little one. I see that you look hungry, luckily I brough some food. Hope you like katsudon.

Izuku: Katsudon? Whats that?

Lunch Rush: How about you take a taste and see if you like it? This kid doesnt know what Katsudon is?! Lucky for you Im going to make the best food that you'll ever taste in your entire life! Your too adorable to be left hungry.

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