All Might meets Izuku

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After Izuku finally got out of the bed and finished talking with Aizawa and Lunch Rush he made his way to Nezus office seeing he wad called.

The greenette knocked on the big door where Nezu originally found him.

Nezu: Come in.

Izuku: Hello, why did you call for me?

He said as he slowly opens the door and walking in, closing it behind him.

Nezu: Take a seat. Well I have a favor to ask you.

He said as he points to the chair Izuku once sat on and fainted now closer to tha table.

Izuku: Okay sure its the least I can do to repay you of your kindness. So what do you want me to do?

He replies as he struggles to get up on the chair but eventually

Nezu: Well I have to convince All Might to stop over working and possibly retire hero work unless called.

Izuku: Oh, okay then. Thats not that hard.

Nezu: Intruiging. He didnt ask why and just said yes. What is he hidding? Splendid. He will arrive in 5 minutes late so we still have time to enjoy a cup of tea.

Izuku: Okay.

Ever since Izuku got out of bed he has gradually learned to smile more. And everytime he does Nezus heart skips a beat, and is very alarming at this point.

5 minutes passed by while the rat god and green angel were talking enjoying tea. And soon enough Toshinori arrived in his SmallMight form

He opened the door and said

Toshinori: Sorry Im late Ne-

He spit out blood when he saw that the bear rat thing was not alone and was with a small boy.

Izuku: Hey Allmight. Should I call you Yagi or Toshinori since youre not in your hero form?

Toshinori: Who are you kid? And how do you know my real name?

Izuku: My name is Izuku! Nice to meet you. Im going to be Nezus son!

Toshinori: So you told him about me Nezu?

Nezu: No. I only said that we'll be meeting AllMight today the rest is his own.

Izuku: I really wanted to meet AllMight and Dadzu was so nice to arrange a meeting! But when you entered the room, you look really sick!

Toshinori: No no no! Its okay kid, its just that I cant really walk arounf looking like AllMight all the time, or elese I cant have a break.

Izuku: Dont lie to me Allmight, I know that your hurt. So why do you keep on going? I dont want to loose my hero. My quirk makes me see the injuries of people.

Special skill activate : Sad Puppy eyes!

Toshinori: Im the symbol of peace little one so I cant show any weakness. I need to fight for the people

Izuku: Are you immortal Allmight?

Toshinori: No

Izuku: Exactly. Youre human and I cant stand seeing my hero in pain while fighting a battle others who are in top shape can fight for you.

Toshinori: You do not understand young Izuku. Once your older youll realize that I cant stop saving everyone. They expect me to save them and I have never let them down once and I cant stop now. As the symbol of peace I need to be there to give hope for everyone.

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