Side story- Aizawa and Lunch Rush

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Since we just hit 200 read I thought maybe I'll update a side story first as thanks, so thats what I did! Thanks for the support ♡ and please do check my other stories if you want to. Im also in the process of making a Dad Hawks story so stay in tune for that one.

Its the next day and Izuku is now free to leave Recovery Girls office and have a looks around.

He got to know Lunch Rush and Aizawa better and are on good terms. The 2 men finally got used to being valled uncle, one more happy than the other.

When Izuku was called into Nezus office Aizawa took the initiative and pulled Lunch into a corner away from the tiny greenette that will soon strike fear in the hearts of many, with the first one as Aizawa.

Lunch Rush: So what do you want to talk about?

Aizawa: Well, I need to tell you about Izuku.

Lunch Rush: Hes a smart kid man, what else is there to it?

Aizawa: Thats the thing, hes smarter than you think, to a point where its alarming and should be considered a quirk.

Lunch Rush: What do you mean? I mean I get that Izuku played me for a moment there but it doesnt mean hes something to be afraid of.

Aizawa: He litteraly made a whole ass information system made out of abused kids and has personal information of heroes that public doesnt know stored at the back of his head and has full control over his informants, most of which with powerful enough quirks to be labeled as villanous and quirkless kids trained with hand to hand combat for safety and are ready to attack. So tell me not to be cautious of this kid.

Lunch Rush: How do you exactly onow this hm? Your not pranking me are you? Cause if you are, I think Mic is rubbing on you. I get that hes your husband but this is really out of character for you man.

Aizawa: What Im saying is true.

Lunch Rush: Nice try man, but Im not falling for it. That sweet cinammon roll is harmless and if anything, is nothing but determined and witty.

The Hero of the kitchen walks away from Aizawa laughing slightly as he thought that the most up tight man he knew tried to play a prank on him.

Aizawa on the other hand couldnt do anything but stand there in disbelief and scoff

Lunch Rush: Eraser scared? Scared of that sad but adorable munchkin? Lmao

Aizawa: Fuck this shit Im out, hmm. Yup, fuck this shit Im out.

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