Side story- Aizawa and Nezu

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Huwahahahah sike a triple update! A gift for you guys🖤 again thanks for 1k+ reads

Its been a few days since Endeavor visited UA and Nezu finally learned who taugh Izuku how to curse.

So like any normal human being thats being called to a tyrant of a principals office Aizawa brought his loud husband.

They were at the door and the message was still there, they read it and Aizawa held  the blonds hands who was attepting to run away.

Aizawa: If Im going to die, were going to die together.

Hizashi: Fuck. Your lucky we have a son or else I would have left you.

Aizawa: Till death do us part remember?

And Aizawa opened the door and was greeted with a shaking Izuku and a smilling Nezu.

Izuku mouthed Im sorry to Aizawa and when he turned to Nezu, the tuxedo wearing rat was in the air pouncing on him.

Luckyly Mic yelled at the direction of Nezu. He used his quirk accidentaly sice he was scared shitless, Nezu dodged but was off course and couldnt hit Aizawa.

When Nezu was preparing another jump Izuku held his hand.

The greenette then spoke while standing besides Nezu, smilling like the cheshire cat at the funny scene. Thinking this could be good blackmail.

Izuku: It dont bite.

Aizawa and Mic: YES IT DO!!!

Nezu: Grrrrrr...

And that is how Hizashi met Izuku for the first time.

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