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Izuku: Go now! I'll lead him out to the entrance, I'll make some preperations to make sure this is his last time outside of a prison cell.

The greenette followed the sound of yelling. Its hard to miss blood curdling screams whem your in a big vent where sound bounces around in like a trampoline.

Izuku: Just keep screaming. Just keep screaming. Just keep screaming. Just keep screaming.

He repeated this again and again in his head. His personal messed up version Dorys mantra.

After a solid minute of walking, he finally found it.

What used to smell like normal burning fire now has a mix of burning flesh. He feels disgusted, not at the smell -okay maybe a little bit- but by the sight of the sperm donner, with its hands gripping a red heads jaw.

Izuku shakes his head, forcing himself to focus. He is well aware that seeing as hes a kid, he gets distracted, or side tracked easily.

He then clears his throat as silently as he possibly can. His eyes gleaming with mischief. The broccoli boy van help but smirk at the odea thag came to mind.

Izuku (w/ his best endewhore voice that is actually pretty good): THERAPY!!!!

Enji: Whos talking?!!

Izuku: Im your consience. We dont talk a lot these days.


Izuku: oh boy.

The living flame thrower in anger exploded in flames, and so filling the vents with smoke, he effectively raised Izukus risk for lung cancer to 50%

In brilliant quick thinking Izuku ran forward, stepping on a loose vent opening, and landed like a defect baby bird thrown off the nest by the mother for flight practice.

Izuku: Alrighty, now that the angel has fallen from grace, aka me, lets get down to busness shall we?

Enji: I should have kno-

Izuku: Ya your right, you should have known. Some number 1 hero you are. Pft- pathetic.

He then begane to laugh, hunching over and holding his stomach, discreetly sending his location to the last person he texted.

The tone in the tiny greenettes voice can only be described as mockery. And Endeshit  is one to mock.

Enji: Your laughing cause you think your so big! Guess what your not!

Izuku suddenly stoped laughing and froze in place, his back still hunched forward. He then dropped his gip on his stomach and let his arms fall down to his sides.

He lifted his head slowly, his pose mimicking those of creepy monsters shown in shows in the age before quirks. His dark green hair covering one eye for more dramatic effect.

Izuku: Heh. All im getting is small dick energy honestly. Like no wonder you had to buy yourself a wife, I mean, look at you yelling at a 4 year old in a middle of a
l i t t i r a l  f i r e~


Izuku: What are you to tell me what to do??? Like whooooo

Enji: IM THE-

Izuku: -One whos stuck on capslock, yeah I get it. How did your mother handle your sorry ass? Its either you got spanked too much or not enough.

In Enjis anger he shot flame towards Izuku once again, this time landing a hit on the small childs left arm as it lagged behind when he dodged.

The greenhead cried in pain, tears swelling up on his eyes as he tries to show a strong face. The smoke in the burning room not helping his sight.

Izuku: Cant fight with words...? So much you had to litteraly burn me just to feel like you have a chance.

Enji: Shut the fuck up brat! No matter how good you think you are with words it doesnt change the fact your nothing but a small kid. And I swear, when Im done with you, I will make sure you feel every single part of your skin burn and watch as I punish my masterpiece, you'll live your last moments regreting that you chose to cross with me.

Izuku: You done with your villain monolouge? Good, cause that aint happening since Im high tailing out of here. Gotta go fast!

The child then ran as fast as he could to his right, the closest wall, as he rams hos body to the conveniently placed vent.

With his supperior vent travelling experience he travelled fast enough to make a turn before he could get burned.

Enji smirked as he followed the sound the small child was making, fully intent on attacking the greenette the moment he gets put of the vents.

Enji: Stupid rat child, thinking that he can escape me with all the sound hes making!

Izuku: Stupid busted flamethrower, thinking that the sound im making is unintentional.

While Enji gave his full focus on killing the broccoli boy, he unconciously left behind Touya in the burning room, who was quiet the whole time.

Whether he was too stunned to talk or smart enough to not talk is a mistery that only he will know the answer too.

But hes god damn sure that he will tell the story of a 4 year old child talking smack on his sperm donner right in front of the mans face.

Katsuki: Now all I need to do is find the oldest child and then I'll meet up with Izu.



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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2021 ⏰

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