Aizawa meets Izuku

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It was the next day and Izuku finally woke up. He opened his eyes only to see a bright shining light so he sooj diverted his gaze to his side where he saw his hero.

Izuku- N-nezu? Where am I?

Nezu looked up to see the half awake greenette. On the outside he held his usual expression but inside was a different story.

Nezu: Oh my hecking god how is he so adrable ajdgakdgakdhajdheh
Yes its me Nezu and your in Recovery Girls office. I brought you here after you fainted.

Izuku sat up from the bed he was placed. His face red and head hung low.

Izuku: I am so sorry I troubled you, I didnt mean to faint its just that I walked all the way here and I-

He began mumbling and Nezu could do nothing but smile.

Was this really the kid that he talked to yesterday? The kid that carried himself with such confidence and drive and spoke older than his age. Nezu is questioning whether he was truly quirkless, maybe his hidden quirk was super mumbling or something like that Nezu joked to himself.

After a minute or two he decided it was time to call Lunch Rush to prepare the kid since even with his quirk High Specs, for the life of him, he could never seem to gain the ability to cook decent food beside cup noodles since he mastered the art of boiling water for his tea. He is also learned how to do cold water for variation. Skillful I know.

Nezu: Excuse me Izuku I need to go and talk to someone, but I promise that I'll be right back dont worry. While Im gone go ahead and lay down, you need to get some rest. I'll also get Recovery Girl to check up on you while Im gone.

Izuku nodded and layed down, after he snapped out of his trance.

The small white suit wearing principal walked outside only to be greeted by Recovery Girl along with Aizawa.

RG: Good morning Nezu, Im guessing the young boy is awake? You never left his side since you brought him to me, did you know that Aizawa?

Aizawa: Hey Nezu. So who the kid that got you rilled up? Recovery Girl texted me, telling me about how you curled up in a ball at the corner of the room with your tea set right next to you, mumbling and laughing to yourself like the psycopath that you are.

Nezu: Hello and good morning to you two. Yes Izuku is awake and I ask that you check up on him, I'm going to Luch Rush and tell him about the young boy. Im certain he will prepare some food for him with eagerness. And for your information Im a high functioning sociopath, get it right. And i trust you will never speak again of my out burst got it?

Aizawa: No promises Nezu, plus Recovery Girl here sent me some photos and I think Hizashi and Nemuri would love to hear about how your becoming a dad. The picture thing is a lie but I can make it happen, I mean theres cameras... hehehehe

Aizawa flashed his shit eating grin at Nezu. He was desperare for revenge after he told all of UA staff that he adopted a kid, and planted the nickname Dadzawa in Hizashis brain. He knew it was never going away.

He and Nezu had a complicated relationship but they had mutual respect from scary teacher to another but they still find a way to tornment each other.

Nezu: Aizawa I'd like to remind you whos signiture is on your paycheck, and I also hear the Hero Commision is planning to male umderground heroes shifts later and longer and they only need one more vote, and it'd be sad if someone would vote for it to pass, isnt that right Dadzawa?

The two of them were emmiting a dark aura aimed at each other. Recovery Girl could have sworn she heard thunder in the background and saw sparks between the two scary educators. Safe to say she quickly skidadled out of there to avoid the tension and directed her focus to the malnourished young boy.

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