Evil Broccoli

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Today is the day that Toshinori Yagi, better known as AllMight, will formally announce his overdue retirement to the public.

The conference is held in UA with some Pro heroes on standby including Eraserhead who is 'cleverly' disguised as a news reporter to see if there were any bad news among the media personel. And yes, Hizashi did dress him up.

The room was jam packed with camera men, news reporters, journalists, you name it, even some heroes in civilian clothing who were AllMight fanatics.

One caught Aizawas attention longer then some, but not with the emotion of surprise more like the urge to mock the hero right in their face. But sadly he couldnt do that so he just took a pic and saved it for the right occation. He already had a folder saved on his phone just for this.

Not long after the doors were closed, with some reporters on the other side who were late and couldnt get in, the number one hero entered the room.

Right at the moment he entered cameras were flashing and questions were immediately thrown. I mean its not everyday the symbol of peace calls up for a conference.

Heroes soon ordered the reporters to calm down and wait for the question portion of the meeting. They soon calmed down and returned to their seats and gradually lowered their voices, up to the point where the room was completely silent.

AllMight: Thank you all for comming here to day. I know you are all wondering why I have called on today. Well I am here to formally announce my retirement. But when I am needed I will return back to the spotlight to help but once that is over I will return to being a regualr citizen.

I think that its the peoples turn to make peace, I am but a symbol, so it is your turn to make the world a better place, everybody can be a hero. I challenge you, make the world a better place and go PLUS ULTRA!

The crowd went wild once the word retirement were said. Questions were fired one after the other and camera clicks can be heard over lapping one another.

AllMight raised his hand to signal silence and the crowd soon followed the signal.

Allmight: I'll answer your questions one by one so please wait your turn.

All of them soon raised their hands and AllMight chose a random person.

Reporter 1: Whats your reason for retiring?

Allmight: Well you see, someone made me face reality. Im old, and have past my prime long ago and I think its time to let the new heroes to prove themselves and live up to the name HERO.

Reprter: Can you tell us who is this someone?

When the question popped up the image of Izuku flashed before his head and he soon felt his legs shake. He was hitting his legs to stop shaking but it just wouldnt. Even so, he still replied but with a mere whisper but the press hears it simce some of them had hearing quirks.

AllMight: An Evil Broccoli.

He said this while resting his forehead on his hands with the most serious tone the media has ever heard from the usually cheery man.

The press erupted. The nickname Evil Broccoli will forever shake the world. For even the thought of this person was able to make THE Allmight shake in fear.

And yes they knew his legs were shaking since the table was shaking and the tea placed there was spilled.

Blog writters took this chance to use tea jokes in their headlines. This was their moment shine⭐

This. This is the start of the storm that is Izuku and Nezu. Will the world handle it? Probably not.
In a far away room..

Izuku: sneezes*

The greenette grabs a box of tissues and uses it.

Nezu: Bless you.

The rat god replied like this but inside his brain was going on the speed of light, worrying whether the boy was sick.

Nezu: Should i send him to recovery girl?! Is my office dirty? That is no good. I can not let my son stay in this dirty of a place and let him get sick.....

And his thoughts continue until he was snapped back to reality when Izuku finished blowing his nose.

Izuku: Thanks Dadzu! Seems like someone was talking about me. Hehe

The greenette smilled and there were flowers floating aroung him.

Nezu: Dadzu.exe.has stopped working

Little did he know the whole world was talking about him. And will be forever remembered as the Evil Broccoli that made even the number 1 hero shake in fear of the mere thought of him. And little did the press know that he was only 4.


All of Izukus informants imediately knew who Allmight was talking about. To them Izuku was both an angel and a demon and despite knowing him for a while, still hasent decided whether to fear or adore him.

All they knew was he must be protected.

Only one of them were able to laugh, well more like chuckle, at the news and it was none other than the kid Aizawa and Hizashi adopted.

The very loud blond was watching with his son when he heard his baby chuckle for the first time. He quickly thanked that the cameras at his home had an audion function so he could just edit the video before his dearest husband got home and show him the video as a surprise.

Take note that Hizashi hasent met Izuku and only knows him through Aizawas story since their son refuses to tell them more saying it was his 'honor' to not tell anyone about their savior that didnt need saving.

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