Calm Before the Storm

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Its been 2 minutes since they jumped in the rabbit hole in the middle of the sleeping bag extraordinairs b e a u t i f u l carpet. Rat God knows hes still upset about it.

Soon enough the two youngins litteraly poped out of the tunnel that appeared in a seemingly random alleyway.

Izuku not being physicaly adept was side hugged by the explosive blonde who landed them safely with the aid of his quirk and the greenetes tight grip of the others shirt.

Katsuki: In the name of Izu-freaking-broccoli I will end her if she doesnt figure out how to transport us without being spit out like fudging chewing gum!

Izuku: Aww is Kacchan scared for my well being? Thank you for hugging me~ my hero♡

Katsuki: Wha- NO! Its because you keep crumpling up my shirt everytime. Tsk.

Izuku: Sometimes I forget he's a tsundere by blood, and Shota sure is encouraging this.
Ack! My heart~ it hurts. Why would you hurt me Kacchan?

The manipulative evil broccoli anime cries. Katsuki, being the tsundere he is gets scared with an audio-able ack.

Katsuki: D-dont take it seriously you damn nerd! You know I cant control this mouth...

Izuku: I love you too Kacchan. Now lets ruin that flaming trash can.

The small greenette smiled his sweetest smile to his friend, and pivoted towards the exit of the alley.

Mr. Pomeranian just smirked and put his hands in his pocket, soon following suite.

Aizawa: Tsukauchi Naomasa drop those papers, you'll need to see this. Im serious.

Tsukauchi: If its another case about a missing cat, then go somewhere else. Im busy.

Aizawa: Look at me. My kid is possibly facing that thing so you better drop those papers or else im going to burn those including your hands and make you watch.

Tsukauchi: Im still not used at you yelling in lowercase, Im sorry. Now hurry up give it to me, this is really serious isnt it?

Aizawa: You bet lie-detector.

The bondage man slamed the notebook in front of the unprepared detective.

Aizawa: This is a collection of some of the dirt sweeped under the rug by Enji Todoroki. As you get deeper in the notebook the crimes get more disgusting, we need to get a warrant of arrest.

The walking lie detector raised on of his eyebrow as the underground hero finished talking, yet to open the notebook.

The notebook, labeled with a drawing of a trashcan that was burning and at the corner of the cover was a doodle of an evelope shaded black intruiged the detective, but that feeling soon changed once he skimmed through the notebook.

By the end of it he wanted to throw up, but he has yet seen the pictures, when he did- lets just say he tasted his breakfast again.

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