Playdate! part 3

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Izuku: Excuse me, I am a mouse who just earned his cheese after he found it at the end of the maze.

Katsuki just smirked to himself and went down his tiny stairs.

The greenette eagerly took the tea bags, he practically snached them off the explosive blondes hands, and headed to the counter where an electric kettle is placed and procceded to heat up water for his much awaited tea.

On the other hand Katsuki made his way back to the living room, carrying the jar of cookies. He made himself comfortable, which resulted to him laying down on his right side with the jar was leaning on his stomach for easy access for his short hands.

He grabbed a pair of gloves from his pocket and put them on. He cant control his quirk that well yet, even with his new found fathers guidance, so he was very self concious when eating with his bare hands since he didnt really like the idea of consuming his nitroglycerin sweat.

And so his pre cookie eating tradition has been fulfilled he proceeded on munching on the cookies his new loud blond father made earlier today for their "playdate."

When he was midway on his 5th cookie he was joined by Izuku carrying a huge mug that looked like it was good for 7 cups of tea, the mug was originaly Aizawas, since 1 cup of coffee is never enough for the ravenettes weird addiction.

Izuku sat on the floor, his head was right infront of the cookie jar that his friend was almost hugging. They proceeded to catching up with each other about their personal lives and what it was like with their new found families.

With Aizawa

He was watching the kids the whole time and was eaves dropping.

He realized that these kids were too mature for their age.

They talked more maturely than some people his age *insert Nemuri with Tensei and Hizashi*

He had the feeling that they never had a decent childhood compared to normal children born in loving families. Then again they never had a loving family in the first place so the thought of them having a good childhood is illogical.

They didnt deserve the life they were forced to endure. He wondered to himself how they were able to smile, more so for Izuku than Katsuki.

He listened again in their conversations, removing himself from his deep thoughts and focused on the screen infront of him.

The topic of conversarion turned to how Izuku was when Katsuki got saved.

What he heard from the mouth of the young broccoli almost put him to tears, but then when Katsuki said that it was better than when they were younger pushed a single tear to fall down from his eye.

He caught himself and quickly wiped his tear.

The infamous Evil Broccoli thanks to AllMights retirement speech, wasnt just ignored, he was tormented by his neighbors (full grown functioning members of society) threatened to use their quirks against him with no form of defense yet he was able to make an organization for kids like him, gather information through them and use it to his advantage and show amazing leadership.

Aizawa: Damn problem child number 2 how the fuck can you do all of this and have it not considered as a quirk. Maybe your quirk has to do with smiling, since if I ever have to go through what you have gone through at your age, i would probably forget how to.

With Izuku

They were still talking to each other. They passed the serious topic phase and now were talking about the mundane parts of their new life.

Katsuki was complaining on how loud his papa was in the morning and how his dad would drink straight from the pot of coffee in the morning whenever he went home late from patrol, and how he always seemed to forget to shower.

Izuku just laughed at Katsukis suffering, since he knows how grumpy the ash blonde haired friend was in the morning. The explosive child also has a tendancy to want everything orderly and clean, since "it makes me feel like im in control of something, its reassuring that Im not just a puppet of my mother."

Katsuki: Dont think for a second that I forgot about how you were mentioned in AllMights speech and that you were the reason he retired. So tell me, did you finally lose your patience and told him off like hoe you wanted for years?

Izuku: I was actually surprised myself on how I lost my patience with him. I guess when he said he cant stop saving everyone that was when I lost it.

I mean how dare he say everyone when we literaly have an entire organization for abused, mistreated, quirkless, abamdoned, homeless and many more kids. And he also believes that pushing yourself, always breaking your limits is what makes him a good hero.

Honestly thats just stupid, and im 4!

Katsuki: Well whatever you did worked, and now your known as Evil Broccoli, and I doubt that you wont be able to live up to that name.

Izuku: Speaking of Evil Broccoli- did you know that Endewhore went to Dadzus office and was yelling and disrespecting everyone I call family. He even called your dads faggots.

Katsuki: Im mad about that but knowing you, you already got mad for me and put that sad excuse of a father in his place.

Izuku: You bet.

Just when Izuku finished speaking there was a familiar voice in their heads speaking to them.

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After the short message ended, they looked at each others eyes searching for instructions and guidance, Izuku was the first to take action and Katsuki soon followed as if he knew what the greenette was doing without even saying a word.

They just give eachother a slight nod and then Izuku proceeded to dial a number on his new phone.

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himuras SOS

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