Nurses Office

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Its only been 5 minutes since Nezu decided to adopt the cute Izuku. It was one of his most happiest moments but after those 5 minutes his future son fainted and fell of his seat hitting the floor with a thud.

Nezus heart droped. His nonexistent soul gone. Fear and worry washed over him like a washing machine on its highest setting.

He immediately jumped down on his chair ran to the small greenette and checked his pulse. Still beating. He couldnt help but notice how thin the child was and small relative to his age. Nevertheless he carried the smol child to Recovery Girls office with haste. Thinking of every possibility, reason,  of this situation and before he knew it he was infront of the nurses office knocking- well more like banging honestly for dear life.

Recovery Girl soon opened the door and saw the Principal holding a child. She took the greenette out of Nezus arms and proceeded to check if there were any other damages to the child. There werent any cuts or bruises per say but the child was thin. Dangerously thin. Its obvious that this child wasnt taken care of very well.

She looked at her back and saw Nezu curled up in a ball on one of the waiting chairs in the very corner of the room, tea set right next to him, shaking and rambling to himself. She heard something about a lawsuit and torture, and safe to say the old hero had enough of him.

I mean she was still schocked, she never saw Nezu in such a state since joining UA which was over a decade. She couldnt stand the sight of her old colegue in such a state. So she did the most logical thing to do:

Karate chop his head to snap him back to reality.

And so she did and it worked. Nezu snapped out of his mumbling episode only to fall in a hole of blank staring at the floor. His head hung low and the aura around him was gloomy, the same type of aura Eraser would emmit when his sleeping bag was in the washer. I swear if he didnt love Mic so much he would have married his sleeping bag.

Nezu- So how is Izuku?

RG- Hes fine he just needs rest and food. Hes dangerously thin. But i dont think I should worry, all I need to do is show Lunch Rush this kid and he will never go hungry ever again.

Nezu- Thats good. I'll inform Luch Rush about him soon.

RG- So tell me, whats going on with you? Your never this shaken up, and Im havibg a feeling your hanging out with Aizawa too much.

Nezu- Well if you should know, I'm planning on adopting him as my own and raise him to be a hero. His parents abandoned him after learning he was quirkless and didnt see the potential of the child. People like these dont deserve the title of parents, this kid deserves much more, much, much more than he has been given. And intend to fill that short comming and no one will stop me.

RG- I dont blame you, I mean just look at him, the moment I layed eyes on him I wanted to protect him from this world and keep him for myself. Heh.

Nezu- Okay first back off. Second since you also want to protect this child, what do you feel about filling a lawsuit on this cinnamon rolls parents and making sure their locked up for good? Not after I get my fun of course. Hehehhehehehe

RG- You know for someone who looks like a stuffed animal you sure are messed up. How'd you meet this kid exactly?

Nezu- Well I found him in front of my office door sleeping then I woke him up. He said he came looking for me since he wanted help and that Im the only hero that wont let him off to some orphanage or some foster home system. We talked and hes a really smart kid so I decided to personally teach this amazing ball of cuteness until hes old enough to go to UA as an official student.
He may be quirkless but that wont stop him from being a hero, if anything I'll train him to make it his advantage. He has the heart of a true hero, a brain of a genius, and the guidance of the principal and founder of the best hero school on earth along with its staff, now tell me he wont change the world.

RG- Well if your going to concur the world do it with the least possible injuries. Im always right behind you whatever you plan on doing but dont even think for one moment that I will hesitate to smack the ever living shit out of you if this kid ever gets hurt because of you.

Nezu could feel the malice and sincerity of those words and knows that his life is being threatend. His back shivered as the smile that the old woman showed was filled nothing but emptiness and foreshadowing.

The little creature wearing a suit searched his big brain on how to change the topic under the constant pressure of the threatrening female, but found nothing. That just goes to show the amount of power Recovery Girl has in the school. Nobody admits it but UA will fall down to the ground in a matter of minutes without her.

Nezu- Maybe I should give her a raise just to get my a few inches of the edge of the cliff. Yeah, I should do that.

On the ourside Nezu was just smilling, his lips slightly twitching in fear and he could feel a drop of sweat on his forhead.
Meanwhile Izuku was sleeping peacefuly with a smile for the first time in his life. He was having a good dream, was comfortable, and didnt cry himself to sleep. While his soon to be father is fearing for his life.

What an interesting family theyll become indeed.

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