Playdate! part 1

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Its the next day.

Izuku was writting on the little side desk that was the exact replica of Nezus but kid sized, which he thought was adorable.

To add to the cuteness, Izuku was wearing a suit exactly similar to his father if not for the different colored tie.

Nezu was clueless of what Izuku was writting, unbeknownst to him, the little broccoli boy was just updating his hero analysis notebooks with his right hand and updating his villain analysis notebook.

He recently got news of some of his informants forming a group under the influence of All for One.

Of course he wouldnt let this oppurtunity slip. So he is making arrangements with these informants to gather information and report back to him.

He was already plotting the amazing show he was going to direct and he was beyond excited.

Hes been writting for a while so he decided its time to take a break and stand up for a while, maybe play with the toys Nezu got him.

Chess, checkers, shogi, go, and some other games that required future planing and strategy. Some pure luck ones like snake and ladders and some card games, including magic the gathering, and pokemon.

Nezu will not have an uncultured son of course, so this will be more like educational play than anything. That was his excuse.

Nezu noticed that his son got up from the chair after extreme writting and saw this as an opening to tell him the news.

Nezu: Izuku dear, come here I need to tell you something.

He said in a cheery tone, but inside he was crying at the thought of having his cute little green boy away from him.

Izuku turned aroung and headed to the rat or bear things desk.

Izuku: What is it Dadzu? Do you need me to do something again?

Nezu: I arranged a playdate with Eraser and Mics child with you, I hope you dont mind.

Izuku: Really?! Thank you, thank you! Im so excited! So when is it?

Nezu: Later after lunch.

Izuku: Speaking of- care to join me? It will be quick considering I still need to get my stuff ready and finish some things.

Nezu: Perfect. I just finished this paper so lets go.

Nezu jumepd off his chair and walked beside his son who is standing still waiting for his father.

The white furred principal stood next to his son, a little bit taller than him. Then they soin headed for the side of the door where a vent was placed.

'Why go in the normal way when they could have more fun?' Was their logic.

Their time in the cafeteria consisted of them eating, getting a knife thrown at them before hand, Lunch Rush and Nezu debating and soon to be stopped by Izuku with his cuteness.

They soon skidadled back to the office through the vents again.

Izuku finished his papers and packed the stuff he was going to bring.

Before they headed out Nezu grabed Izukus shoulder.

He handed his son a small flip phone, the perfect size for his son.

Nezu: Message me when you want to go home, you can stay there as long as you want. Tell me right away if they made you feel bad and well make them pay.

Izuku: Okay Dadzu! Thank you so much! This is my first phone so Im so excited!!

He replied accepting the phone where Nezus personal number was saved, as well as other heroes just in case.

They headed out of the office once again through their own route and jumped into Nezus car, which was built for his size.

They soon found themselves infront of Hizashi and Aizawas doorstep, unable to reach the doorbell even with them standing on eachothers shoulders.

They tried.

And so they knocked and after a few seconds the door was opened by Aizawa.

Aizawa: Come in.

Nezu: Oh theres no need, I need to head back. I trust Izuku can handle himself so I'll go now. Good day!

Izuku: Good afternoon Aizawa. Sorry for the intriution.

Aizawa just let out a geumble and guided the green problem child to his living room where his problem child was waiting.

When the young greenette and his son had  eye contact for the first time, in what seemed like forever their first i stict was to yell, as they were still children.


Izuku: KACCHAN!!!!!

Sorry for the late update! I was busy with school to type! Please forgive me🙏😔

And also, you didnt expect their son to be Katsuki didnt you?? Most people expect it to be Hitoshi but I think it would be interesting to change it up a bit.

So if you noticed me not giving any clues on who was their son, then good job! You are one observant reader🖤

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