Is Rat A Bug?

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Its been a few days since the life threatening experience of the gay hero couple.

Hizashi thought it would be a great idea to set a playdate for their son and Izuku to try and get to the good side of Nezu at least just for a little bit.

RatGod and BugsBeGone Private Messages

BugsBeGone: Hey Nezu...

RatGod: Thats principal to you, husband of that foul mouthed insomniac.

BugsBeGone: Come on! We said sorry already!


BugsBeGone: Who tf taught you to use emojis?!- Anyways I wanted to invite Izuku to have a playdate with my little listner over here.

RatGod: Okay first why are you surprised I know how to use emojis?! Like bish I aM CuLTuReD. Teach your boomer of a husband what a meme is first. And second, nO.

BugsBeGone: But-

RatGod: pErIOdT.

BugsBeGone: Liste-

RatGod: Did you not see it?

RatGod: pErIOdT.

BugsBeGone: Come-

RatGod: 🧚‍♀️

BugsBeGone: Nez-

RatGod: 👨‍🦯


RatGod: ...

RatGod: Okay first off call him Little Bunny Demon again I'll slit your throat in front of your husband and son while I brodcast your failing screams on your radio show.

RatGod: Second, okay. I think Izuku will do good to be surrounded by people his age.

BugsBeGone: Yay! Thank you! Thank you Nezu!

RatGod: I have a couple of ground rules.

BugsBeGone: Okay what are they?

RatGod: First I need to be 100% sure that he is going to be happy, and if he ever tells me that he cried once or made him upset I will cut your salary in half.

RatGod: Second he goes home when he wants to and he will message me since I will give him a phone in case anything happens and you will accomidate his every need. You cand send me the reciepts later and I'll pay you back.

RatGod: If he ever curses again then you better watch your back.

BugsBeGone: Yes sir! Understood. Again, thank you!

RatGod is now offline

In Hizashis place:

He was currently sitting on the living room couch, with a cup of tea in front of him.

He finaly let go of the breath he didnt know he was holding.

He then turned to his raven haired husband whos in the kitchen making his 7th cup of coffee.

Hizashi: Hun, is rat a bug cause its very scary.

Aizawa: If your refering to that rat then its not a bug love, its a demon.

He replied subconciously touching his newly formed scar made by the said demon.

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