Strong Winds

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Aizawa felt victorious and disgusted at the same time.

Victorious, since Tsukaushi who didnt take him seriously earlier just because he reports missing cats to him since hes the only one he tolerated, threw up.

Disgusted, becuase someone threw up-
in front of him.

Aizawa: Next time dont think pork and beans will be a good breakfast idea in this line of work.

Tsukaushi: Noted.

The detective looked at the underground hero with a face that said 'I want to strangle you to death but I dont want a walking speaker whos stuck at eleven to enter my office'

Aizawa: Welcome to the world of yelling in lower case.

Tsukauchi: Good luck finding lost cat cases in the future.

Aizawa: You wouldnt-

Tsukauchi: We need to show this to the media, or at least post this via anonymous account.

The raven haired hero cleared his throat as if to push down all his emotions and get to busness. Never removing the stink eye of the Detective.

Aizawa:  The Hero Commission strongly backs that burning trashbin since Allmight already retired. The best thing we can do provoke outrage, outright.

Tsukauchi: Thats right. Make it impossible to justify his crimes.

Aizawa: We need to find someone who can be untraceble in the net but still hit headlines.

Ring ring ring

The two heroes in their own right look at the telephone on the Detectives desk simul​ta​neously.

Aizawa: Way to cut through the tension

Tsukauchi: I bet his thinking 'way to cut through the tension'

The lie detector then picks up the phone and puts it on speaker

Tsukauchi: This is Detecrive Tsukauchi Naomasa speaking. Who is this?

:Um yes, this is the front desk. There are a bunch of civilians here asking for you, sayobg that someone said your the only one that can help them.

Tsukauchi: Hold on just a minute I need to sort some things out and I'll be right down.

The morning person droped the line and looked at the not a night owl or morning person. A vein showing on his forehead and a small smile on his face.

Tsukauchi: Is there something youre not telling me?

Aizawa: Look, im not the one who made all those people show up.

Tsukauchi: Then mind explaining, how you got your hands on evidence on a should be high profile case, then suddenly a bunch of people comes barreling in the station asking for me specificaly?

Aizawa: I think you heard from your husband about the demon rats new kid? Apperently something happened and wanted to end Endewhores career.

Tsukauchi: H-h-husband?

Aizawa: Ugh this B i t c h- my gaydar is never wrong. Your just the stupid one who married a dude who thought he is bi bevause he kissed a girl once for an ad.

Tsukauchi: ...

Aizawa: Plus the ring is a dead give away and that photo on your desk.

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