Izus Prep Time

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They just give eachother a slight nod and then Izuku proceeded to dial a number on his new phone.
From memory he dialed a number of one of his informants and proceeded to hit call.

His mind was going at the speed of light, thinking of all the possible outcomes and what was the best acrion he could take to ensure the safety of the Himuras and also minimize the groups exposure including himself, not to mention damage control.

Endevour has a long record of causing mass property damage, and evacuating citizens when you want to keep the predicted fight on the down low isnt exactly easy. Also to add to the fact that their literal enemy is the currwnt number 1 hero and has one of the most flashiest quirks out there it takes a super genius to solve this on the fly.

And Izuku is a genius, not yet a super.

The person hes contacting has a quirk that allowes her to transport people she had a close connection to another close person.

She is a daughter of a vigilante couple and is ignored by her parents and due to that fact cant aid in their vigilantism since there is no connection to them whatsoever.

Its a rather sad fate, but she is one of the few people that got recruited by Izuku first hand, and so she takes great pride in havinf known the big boss.

The draw backs of her quirk is that she looses her sense of direction for a few hours when over used.

The girl answered in one ring.

Izuku: I need a lift to the Himuras, its an emergency.

The girl on the other line didnt reply and instead just activated her quirk. She senced the urgency. If the big boss was going to deal with this himself it must be serious, he usualy sends others by ordering through second boss.

Izukus voice was laced with urgency and worry but still in a somewhat calm tune.

Suddenly a dark hole on the floor appeared and Izuku jummped in without any hesitation. The girls quirk.

While this is going on Katsuki was sorting out papers that had dirt on Endevour.

It wasnt hard to find seeing as it was one of the things he just renewed.

The notebook contained records of his property damage, bribery, conmections to the black market, illegal quirk marriage, records of domestic and child abuse, murder, and assult.

There were many more but they were in not here in the present and the person who kept their files secured was not around.

So he took what he had, ran up stairs to the hobo looking man that is his new father and shugged it on his chest, saying nothing and quickly left the room as fast as he entered.

He then jumped inside the hole after Izuku using his quirk to propel himself faster.

While falling in the tunnel, almost like a slide faster than a motercycle he was sending a messege to one of his informants

Izuku text messages

Izuku: 8-5-12-12-6-12-1-13-5

I made this one straight forward sooooo I think everyone who has the time can solvw this pretty quick!

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