I have a boyfriend?!

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~Kate's POV~

It was dark outside, the bright moon lit up the silent streets from outside my window. A few cars drove by every now and then but I didn't really pay attention to it... I just continued to think about our channel, what if people don't like us? What if we are cyber bullied? To be honest, I can't even explain the emotions running through my mind. I always imagined that someday I would be a famous singer or actress, but not all dreams do come true. Right? Well I guess the nightmare of my parents dying came true.... I felt a single tear slip from my eye as I sat at the end of my bed deep into thought.
My thoughts were interrupted by a quiet knocking coming from the door. I mumbled 'come in' and the door slowly creaked open sending shivers down my spine. Sam walked in and shut the door behind him trying not to wake the others up. He was holding his laptop in his free hand as he was smiling from ear to ear. He flopped down on the bed beside me as he tilted the screen towards me.
"Look at the subscriber count..." He whispered pointing to a small number at the top right corner. I gasped and held my hand to my mouth.
"76 subscribers?!" I said in a loud whisper, he nodded and chuckled.
"But we only made one video! How is this possible!" I said once again looking at him in the eyes.
"They most have liked the content! A catchy name causes more subscribers!" He said a little louder. I laughed and pulled him into a hug. He hugged back and kissed my cheek causing more shivers to run throughout my body. We pulled away from the hug and he leaned closer towards me.
"To make this situation better.... Will you be my girlfriend?" He whispered into my ear. I smiled and nodded, he chuckled and pecked my lips. He slowly pulled back and he put his hand on my cheek.
"I won't let you down..." He said and left me on the bed in shock of what just happened. I smiled and lied down on the bed, having a peaceful and wonderful sleep.

~Sam's POV~

I'm so happy that she said yes! I talked it over with Kian before I asked her and trust me... It took a lot of convincing before he finally agreed. Although he made me promise that if I broke her heart, he would get to break my face. I happily said yes to that and thanked him for it. He just chuckled and told me that I didn't have to worry because he trusts me. The other guys were telling me to ask her out, and I kept saying not yet, because I was to afraid to hear her answer. But right now, I'm happier than I have been in my entire life. I sighed and pushed my hair back while I lied down in bed.
I immediately woke up when my phone rang. I checked the caller ID, and it read as.... 'Emily' Oh shit... My ex girlfriend....

-A.N. I'm so sorry for not updating lots, but here is the next chapter! Be looking out for another one, thanks for the support, and keep smiling!-

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