Prank Wars...

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~Kate's POV~

I opened up the bag that Connor said had the whip cream and plates in and I quickly pulled out the items. I placed one of the plates on the counter as I shook the whip cream and poured it all over the plate. I could heard the boys faint talking from the living room as I swiftly grabbed the plate and crept towards Ricky. The camera was still recording so I glanced at it and placed my finger on my lips trying to say 'Sshh' I put my hand over my mouth hoping that I wouldn't start laughing and luckily I kept my fit of giggles in. I crept up behind Ricky and screamed "SMACK CAM" to get everyone's attention. They all jumped at the sudden noise and when Ricky turned around I smacked him in the face causing the whip cream to fly off the plate. Everyone burst out laughing and Ricky just gasped and put his hand over his heart.
"I'm so flattered that you smacked me!" He said with sarcasm clearly filling his voice. I just laughed and practically fell to the floor.
"I WILL GET YOU BACK KATE!" He screamed and ran to the bathroom. When we all finished laughing I went to the camera and quickly pressed the off button.
"I'm going to go edit the video. Bye guys!" I said and walked up the stairs to my room.
I placed my camera down and hooked it up to my computer. I went on my editing software and continued to post the video.
Once it was uploaded, I watched the video over and over again about 10 more times and couldn't stop laughing. This really was the best prank ever. I thought as I fell asleep with a huge smile on my face.

~Ricky's POV~

I will get Kate back. She won't know what hit her. To be honest, that was an awesome prank. And I was surprised how she decided to pull it on me. But now I need to think of a good prank. Prank call? No to common... Oh! I got one... She always seems to be really sleepy in the morning and never pays attention to anything. I'll put blue food colouring on her tooth brush so that when she brushes her teeth in the morning her mouth will basically be blue. Perfect. I ran to the kitchen as quietly as possible and quickly grabbed out the food dye.
Once I found the blue, I crept up the stairs and walked into the bathroom near her room. I found her white toothbrush on the counter and I quickly put the dye on the top and placed it back in its original spot so that she doesn't find out. I also placed a camera in there and then left.
I went back to my room and lied down waiting to hear her reaction. This will be awesome.

~Kate's POV~

I woke up slowly and noticed that it was 4 in the afternoon. I sighed and walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I hate the feeling of dirty teeth so I always brush when I have the time too. I picked up my white toothbrush and put some toothpaste on the end of it. I put the brush up to my mouth and started to brush my teeth. It tasted really weird.... I quickly pulled it out of my mouth and noticed that my teeth were blue!
"RICKY!!!!" I screamed and rinsed out my mouth. I heard him laughing and I stormed into his room.
"You bitch! Look what you did!" I said and opened my mouth to show him the blue madness that he caused. He laughed even harder and pointed at me.
"That's what you get for pranking me!" He said back. I chuckled and ran back to the bathroom grabbing some mouth wash and trying to get the blue out. Well... That was just perfect! Okay that's it, no more pranks!!! I wonder what tomorrow will bring...

-A.N. I'm trying to update as much as possible now! Do you guys think I should have a schedule? And post on those days? Tell me in the comments! Thanks so much for over one thousand and fifty views! It so amazing and I love writing this story! Hope you are having a great day! Byeee!-

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