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-Kate's POV-

The cool air hit my bare skin as I walked down the streets of L.A. I've always loved cold weather, I was always called crazy for that, but whatever. it's my opinion not anyone else's. My thoughts on the sun all involve hate. pure and utter hatred. Why is the sun even a thing? I mean, it may help us survive, but I think the world will be fine surviving off chocolate and gummy bears. My thoughts were interrupted when I felt my body collide into something, someone actually.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going... And I just-" I was cut off by a soft chuckle.
"Don't worry bout it Lawley." I heard a familiar voice say. I looked up to see Emily. Emily, was standing in front of me.
"Emily? Didn't expect to see you here!" I said faking a smile. I know what Sam said, she can't be trusted.
"Yeah! What a surprise!" She flashed me a grin. Wow, no help up or anything? Well that's wonderful.
Once I realized that she had no interest in helping me, I quickly stood up and brushed off my pants from all the dirt and grass that was stuck to my legs.
"So... Is Sam with you?" She asked once I was cleaned off. she glanced around before turning back to me.
"No, he's not feeling well, so I decided to come out and get him some hot chocolate to make him feel better." Lie, Sam's not sick, he just didn't feel like coming out. But I can't tell her that, the little bitch can't know anything.
"What a shame. Tell him I hope he feels better!" She smiles, and walks off. I scoff and walk in the opposite direction. I suddenly don't feel the need to go to Starbucks, so I jog back to the house. I really don't like her, she seemed nice at first, but I can tell that she has a different story...

-A.N. This is an extremely short chapter. I don't know if I want to continue writing this story, it's taking up lots of time and I have so many other ideas for story's. Tell me what you think in the comments below. This chapter is kinda a filler so yeah. Haha. Byeeee!-

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