Not again....

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~Kate's POV~

Yesterday was hell, Emily just won't leave us alone! I feel bad for Sam, he is put under so much pressure right now, and Emily is making it worse for everyone. Ricky and Trevor are out in town looking for some new shoes. You know, just guy stuff. They act like girls way to much for my liking. I chuckled at my thought and pushed myself off the couch, the soft carpet beneath me warmed up me feet instantly. It was quiet in the house, no one was home at the moment and I was left to take care of the lonely dirty dishes in the sink.
I heard the front door slam shut and I yelped as I swung my head towards the sudden noise.
"No... Just- I don't...." I heard someone mumble. I heard another slam on the door and I quickly walked towards it. I peaked my head around the corner to see what the noise was. My eyes instantly widened, and I gasped at the sight. Sam and Emily were kissing... Tears started to pour from my eyes as I ran away from the sight not wanting to see anymore of it.
I thought he loved me, he said he would never hurt me. He promised. Everything was a lie wasn't it. He just cheated on me for Emily! The girl he said was crazy, and obsessed.
I cried as I ran, further away from the scene. My sobs could probably be heard for miles. I heard shouting behind me but I didn't listen, I just shut everything out. My eyes got blurry by the tears flooding my vision.
"Kate! Look out!" I heard, and I quickly spun around. Trevor and Ricky were running towards me and I gasped. I felt something hit me hard. The impact was insane. My body collied with the ground. And my vision clouded over. Black dots surrounded me. I was pulled into darkness.

~Sam's POV~

Emily followed me home. I slammed the front door behind me and Emily opened it and closed it behind her.
"Come on Sam, Its not a bad thing. Just a little date." She pleaded. I scoffed and leaned against the door frame behind me.
"No Emily. Just go away and leave me al-" I was cut off by my sentence when she slammed her lips against mine. I gasped and tried to pry her off me, but she shoved me against the door. I heard something running through the halls and a door open. I finally got her off and she smirked at me.
"I missed that." She said and then left making sure to sway her hips on the way out.
I sat on the couch and ran my hand through my already messy hair. My phone cut off my thoughts and I picked it up looking at the caller ID. Its Trevor.
"What's up?" I sighed as I answered the phone.
"It- it's Kate. Y-you ha-" I cut him off mid sentence.
"What about Kate? WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?! SPIT IT OUT TREVOR!" I screamed through the phone as I got up and ran to the door.
"Come to the hospital. Kate got hit by a car." I heard him mumble. Tears of mine hit the floor instantly. I hung up the phone and ran to the car.

"I'm here for Kate Lawley." I said to the lady at the front desk. She nodded and typed something into her computer. My foot was tapping the ground faster than lightning.
"Room 174. Just down the hall and to the left." I thanked her and rushed towards the room. Kian was crying outside of her door, and the other guys were all speechless. I gasped and Kian pointed to the door.
"She's in t-there." He said in between tears. I nodded and walked inside. Her fragile body was lying down on the bed, her skin was pale white and her heart was slowly beating. I gasped when I saw her current state. More tears fell from my eyes, she shifted in her bed and slowly her eyes flickered open.
"S-Sam?" She asked me. Her voice was horse and she looked like she could die in any second.
"B-baby... Why?" I asked her as I rubbed my thumb against her cheek.
"I saw y-you and E-Emily...."she whispered.
"Look. Kate, what you saw meant nothing. She did that, not me. I don't like her. I love you. You are beautiful and kind. You always put other people before yourself, and you never fail to make me smile. Don't worry baby." I whispered back and kissed her forehead.
"I-I love y-you too." She said as her eyes closed. A beeping sound came from the machine, and nurses and doctors ran into the room.
"No...." I cried.
"We are so sorry sir. We tried all we could. Sorry for your loss." The doctor said too me as they put the blanket over her head. I sat down and cried, everyone was gone, and I just sat on the chair in her old room and cried. Kian walked into the room and wiped away his tears.
"She told me that she would be fine, she's with our parents now." He said in between his sobs. I smiled lightly and nodded.
We left a few moments later.

-Years Later-

We will always remember Kate. She always made us smile, but we moved on. Not from youtube though. We continued our channel ever since she died, we thought that she would have wanted that. So we became more famous and people now know us as O2L, the six boys. We stay happy and proud, nothing can pull us apart. As for Emily, she moved away to Canada. Luckily we will never see her again... But at least we have each other.

~A.N. The end! I know the ending kinda sucked. Please don't kill me! Hope you enjoyed the book, make sure to read my story Power Freak! Thanks for all the support it really means a lot! Bye everyone!~

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