Passed Out....

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~Kate's POV~

-few days later-
The wind blew through my long blonde hair making it wave in multiple directions. The puddles of water on the ground soaked my shoes as I walked with Kian further into town. People walked by us laughing and talking, when occasionally some would glare at us. We frowned and just continued walking.
The rain has finally cleared up as the sun peeks out from behind a cloud. It feels nice having a small bit of warmth on are skin, speaking of how long we've been out here for. We haven't eaten or drank anything in a while now. And we are starting to feel dizzy from the lack of water. People probably think we are drunk, but trust me, we aren't. I have never had a drink in my life, and I don't think I ever will. My eyes get heavier and heavier as I start to slow down.
"Don't worry, K-Kate, w-we will g-get throu-" that was the last word Kian said before he passed out. I screamed and leaned down beside him, trying to shake him awake. But it was no use... Blackness started to take over me as I lied down beside him... I saw 6 guys in the distance run towards us and one of them started screaming.
"OH MY GOSH!!" Was the last thing I heard before I passed out leaving my limp body lying there... Maybe dead.... Who knows... I will find out later, hopefully...
-A.N. Here is another chapter for you all to enjoy! Sorry for not updating in a while! I've been busy... But no worry, you have one now! Thanks for everything! Oh and also... Tell me I'm the comments who should have a huge crush on Kate. It can be multiple guys or just one. And also, O2L is not created yet in this story. So yeah! Byeeee!!!-

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