Time To Leave...

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*3 Days Later*
~Kate's POV~

The police notified us that we have to be out of the house by noon today. I was in my bedroom not wanting to leave.... Kian and I didn't want to deal with this, or anything really. We just wanted are life to be back to normal, everything to be back to normal. We just want are mom and dad back.
It's 9 right now so we are just packing up a few things that we can possibly live with for the rest of our life. A small blue bag was sitting beside me as I packed up my clothes and other necessary items that are needed. Yeah we both have a phone, but since we just moved here we don't really have any contacts other than our mom and dad. But they aren't with us anymore... So.... There's really no point. So I just continued to pack things up.
It's now 11:45 and Kian and I are ready to go. The stuff we packed won't last us that long, but we will make it work. We said one last goodbye and walked into the cold fall air surrounding us. The rain poured down from the dark grey clouds above causing us to shiver in our small thin sweaters. Kian stared at me and pulled me into a big hug. I smiled into the hug and a tear slipped from my eye.
"Let's do this." He mumbled into my head as he pulled away. I smiled as he took my hand and we walked into the cold Autumn air.

-A.N. Here you guys go! Another chapter for y'all to enjoy! Hope you like it. Comment, Like, and favourite for a follow from me! Byeeee!-

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