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~Kate's POV~
Kian was staring at his phone across the table with that look on his face that read 'I'm so calling my friends.' He reached for the phone slowly and I jumped in front of him.
"No.... No no no! No party's!!!" I said to him poking his chest. He laughed and stood up. Damn it.... He's still taller than me. He crouched down so that he was my size and he just stared at me.
"You really think that your going to win this?" He asked me.
"Probably not.... But a girl can try!" I answered back at him. He smirked and grabbed my head pushing me out of the way. He just was about to press call when the phone rang.
"Haha, saved by the bell!" I said mocking him. I stood up and walked over towards the kitchen counter where the phone was laid. I looked at the caller I.D and it read "911"
"Ummm.... Kian? What the hell did you do this time...." He stared at me weirdly and I continued. "The police is calling...." I said while picking up the phone.

-A.N. Sorry for the short chapter!! Hope you enjoyed!-

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