Day Out With The Guys

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~Kate's POV~

  We all ended up crashing on the couches last night after our kitchen raid... Hehe... It was so much fun last night, but now my stomach hurts like hell. I woke up with Sam on my right and Kian on my left. I fell asleep on Sam's lap, but he didn't seem to mind. I have to admit.... Sam is extremely cute, he has pink cheeks that make him look really cheerful all the time, which he always is, but it just is amazing. His brown eyes are beautiful and always have a sparkle in them. He is just perfect.... I looked up and saw the rest of the guys sleeping. So I thought it would be nice to make breakfast for all of us. I slowly got up from the couch and stepped over every ones head as I made my way towards the kitchen. The pantry was still open from yesterday so I just crept over to it making sure not to wake up anyone. Once I reached the drawers I looked through until I found some pancake mix. I put two pans on the stove and made the fluffy batter.

  Once I was finished cooking I woke the guys up by smashing two lids together making a huge bang noise causing them to sit up quickly and stare at me. I smirked and called the guys for breakfast. They laughed and ran towards the dining room and sat on their chairs as they waited for the delicious pancakes that could probably be smelt from a mile away. I brought the plate of stacked pancakes to the table and we quickly dug into the delicious meal.

  When we finished are meal we decided to just sit and talk for a while.

  "Hey Kate?" Sam asked me after awhile. I looked over at him and the others were just looking at me.

  "Yeah?" I questioned him.

  "Would you like to go to the beach with us?!" He said back to me really excited. The guys just looked at me waiting for my answer. I laughed and nodded.

  "Of course I would love to go to the beach with you guys! I just need to go get ready!!" I said to them standing up and running into my room. Well, it's not my room.... Its also Kian's since this is the only spare room they have here. I got to the room and quickly locked the door behind me. I grabbed a cute blue swim suit and threw it on. I braided my long blonde hair to the side, and put on some water proof mascara. I put a tank top and some ripped shorts on, and then I grabbed some black flip flops and slipped those on as well. I looked in the mirror and I was satisfied by my look. Quickly I picked up a bag and put a towel, my phone, and other necessities I would need inside. Once I finished I walked down the stairs and yelled, "I'M READY!" to them. I ran to the door to see the guys were all ready and I jumped on Kian's back. 

  "LETS DO THIS!!!" I yelled. They all laughed and Kian set me down so that we could go to the car. I jumped in the backseat along with Jc and Sam, and we were off to the beach.

  About 20 minutes later, we got to the beach. I jumped out of the car and ran towards the nice warm sand. No one was really there, so we got most of the time to ourselves. I put out my pink towel and slipped off my clothes so that I was in my bikini. I sat on the towel and put my sun glasses on and closed my eyes so that I could get a tan. Most of the guys ran straight for the water but not me! About 5 minutes later I heard footsteps coming towards me, although I just ignored it. I felt someone pick me up and started to bring me towards the water... It's Sam.

  "SAM NO!!!" I screamed at him. But he just laughed and threw me into the water. I'm an amazing swimmer and Kian knew that, but he thought it would be cool to prank Sam. So he started to yell at Sam and I sat on the ocean floor, ready to jump out and scare them all...

~Kian's POV~

  I saw Sam throw Kate into the water and I had an idea. I was going to prank Sam into thinking that Kate can't swim and that she might be dead on the ocean floor. So I started yelling at Sam.

  "SAM WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!!" I screamed at him. He looked really confused so I continued.

  "KATE CAN"T SWIM!! YOU ARE SUCH AN IDIOT!" I started to fake cry.... "She could be... D-dead on that ocean floor right now..." I said. He gasped and then cried as well, the other guys were just shocked. This is so awesome....

  "H-How was I supposed to know...?" He said to me with sadness in his eyes. He looked down and Kate jumped out in front of all of us.

  "BOO!!" She screamed. All the boys screamed, and after Sam stopped screaming he wiped his tears away and hugged Kate close to him.

  "I thought you were dead!!! Don't do that to me ever again..." He said and started laughing. The other guys were also laughing and Sam pulled away. 

  "I'm a professional swimmer.... I can hold my breath for a longggg time..." Kate said laughing. I was laughing also. Sam turned around and tackled me. I was laughing so hard...

  "YOU ARE SUCH A JERK FOR DOING THAT TO ME!!!" He said to me trying to hold back his laughs. 

  For the next while we just relaxed and all that until Connor thought it was time to go. We all agreed and left the beach with smiles on our faces as we hopped that this would happen another day. Being with these guys.... Is going to be awesome.... 

-A.N. O2L broke up sadly.... But I support everything they do, so I guess it's okay.... :(..... Anyways, thanks for reading and it's awesome that I've gotten over 100 views! I know it's not that much, but I didn't expect to get that much! Thanks so much everyone. Comment down below who Kate should be dating! And I will try my best to make that happen! Thanks again, and keep smiling!-


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