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~Kate's POV~

  We are all laughing and talking in the living room, getting to know each other and all that. Are life is changing, and it's changed even more since we met the boys. I trust them not to tell anyone about are parents.... We don't want everyone to know about our personal life. But like I said, I trust them. Although I don't know if Kian thinks the same thing as I do. He is much more quiet then usual, and he is just staring into space like a lost little kid.

  "Kian.... Kiki... KIAN!!!!" I screamed in his face. He snapped out of his little daze and stared at me.

  "What?!" He said laughing.

  "You were staring into space!!!!!" I said back at him. He just chuckled and looked past me at the guys who were laughing there heads off.

  "Can I talk to Kate alone for a second guys?" He asked them. They nodded and left the room closing the door behind them.

  "What ya need bro?" I asked him while laughing.

  "I don't trust them..." He said back. I looked at the door and then back at Kian.

  "I know.... It's obvious. You are really quiet and not as funny as you usually are..." I sighed and looked down. "I trust them Kian." I looked into his eyes and he looked back. "Why don't you?" I asked him.

  "It's difficult Kate.... They just seem... I don't know..." He sighed and stared at his hands. "I'll try too, I promise." He said and looked back at me. I smiled and pulled him into a hug. He hugged me back and then we let go. I laughed and he flicked my head. I chuckled and hit his arm. Ricky barged into the room and yelled 

  "WHO WANTS FOOD!!!!!!!" We all laughed and screamed.

  "YESSSSS!!!!" We ran over to the kitchen and started raiding it from top to bottom. We ate cereal, cookies, sushi, and way more! Nothing bad can happen around these guys! They are so fun to be around, and I just love being with them. Kian and I haven't eaten in so long and it felt good to just laugh. Life with these guys.... Is going to be very interesting... 

-A.N. Yes! Two chapters in one day! Hope you guys like this story so far! It has taken me so long to write, and I am having so much fun writing it.! Hope to see another chapter soon! Like always, Keep Smiling!-

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