Truth or Dare?!

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~Kate's POV~

  I woke up in my bed with Kian beside me, it sucks to have to share a bed with my brother.... But you know, it's life... I got out from under the covers and poked Kian in the stomach to try and wake him up. He slapped my hand away and turned over so that his head was in the pillow. I sighed and pulled him out of the bed causing him to scream. I laughed and then Trevor ran in the room and started yelling,

  "WHAT HAPPENED?!" And then he noticed Kian on the floor and he burst out laughing. Kian then sighed and threw a pillow at him, but it backfired because he dodged it and threw the pillow back at him. And that caused me to burst out laughing. Once we were done laughing we decided to just go downstairs where the other boys were. We got to the living room to see that they were all in a circle, I crossed my arms over my chest and sighed.

  "What are you guys up to..." I said to them. They chuckled and Ricky started speaking. "We are playing truth or dare, care to join us?" He asked me. So I sighed once again and sat down beside Sam and Connor. "Okay lets do this." I said pulling my legs up to my chest. 

  "Okay... Ummm... Jc, truth or dare?" Ricky asked him. He scratched his chin and answered with dare. Ricky laughed and looked outside at the rainy weather. "I dare you to go outside in your underwear and jump in the pool!" Ricky said. His eyes opened in shock as he looked outside. "NO NO NO!!!!!" He yelled at Ricky. "It's a dare... Just do it!" Ricky said back as he snapped his fingers. He sighed and went upstairs quickly to change.

  "I don't want to do this..." Jc said as he stared outside the window. Sam laughed and pushed Jc out the door. Jc mumbled something under his breath, "Well, first time for everything...." And he jumped into the freezing cold water. He came up quickly screaming, he ran into the house and curled up into a little ball on the couch with a blanket wrapped around him. We just laughed at him and continued to play the game.

  After a few other dares finally Connor asked me. I sighed and just said, "What the hell, dare!" He laughed and looked around the circle. "Umm... I dare you to... Kiss Sam!" He said smirking, my eyes widened and I looked at Sam. His jaw dropped and he looked at me also. "I won't do it if you don't..." He said to me with a little sadness in his eyes. I just chuckled. "It's a dare... I don't give a shit." I said back to him. He smiled lightly and nodded. He closed his eyes and slowly leaned in, I did the same... A second later our lips collided and I felt his cold lip ring against my lips. Sparks flew as we pulled away, everyone looked at us and the clapped. 

  "BRAVO BRAVO!!!!" Yelled Connor. I laughed and Sam played with his lip ring. Does he like me...? "I think I'm going to go have a shower." Said Kian as he stood up. We all nodded and then just went our separate ways.

  I spent most of the day thinking about that kiss... Does he actually like me? Because I think I'm developing feelings for him... My lips tingled when I kissed him, and sparks just flew all around me causing lots of emotions to run through my head. But I just hope that he thinks the same as I do... I honestly don't know what to think anymore.... I need something to take my mind off everything... Youtube...

-A.N. Sorry for a shorter chapter this time! But I will try and post as often as I can! School is starting soon.... Ugh... But I guess I will try and live with it... Writing is something that gets my mind off school and all the drama. But whatever! Do you think that Kate and Sam should date? Tell me in the comments! Like, and favourite! Thanks for reading, remember, keep smiling!-


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