Wait.... What?

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~Kate's POV~
"The police?!" He said quickly. I nodded and pressed answer. I put the phone by my ear and spoke confidently.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Hello, is this Kate or Kian Lawley?" The man on the other line asked me.
"Yes. This is Kate your speaking with." I answered back to him with a small bit of confusion in my voice.
"Okay. I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this but...." He stopped for a moment before sighing. "Your parents have died in a car crash." He said to me. Tears instantly started falling from my eyes as I placed my hand over my mouth sobbing silently. Kian looked confused, and I mouthed to him what the man has told me. Kian came to the same position as I just was and started to cry. I never see Kian cry, but at the moment..... I can understand.... He sat down by the wall and placed his head in his hands.
"I'm so sorry. The funeral will be on August 4th this Thursday.... And I was notified by other officers that you have lost your house.... I'm sorry for your loss... Hang in there kids." He whispered the last part and I hung up the phone. I sat down right beside Kian and I cried into his shoulder.
"We will be okay..." He whispered to me.....
"Will it really Kian? We don't have any money to pay off this house.... We are living on the streets...." I mumbled to him. He gasped and hugged me close, rubbing my back slowly.
"We will make this work...." He said. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep with a tear streaked face. And I think that soon, Kian will do the same....
-A.N Follow like and favourite and I will do the same!-

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