Oh, Brothers...

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~Kate's POV~

The sun blared through the curtains in my bedroom. The bright sun blinded me as I slowly open my eyes to meet the new day! Although, instead of being greeted by my beautiful blue bedroom, I woke up to see someone staring right at me. I yelped and quickly jumped back, only to realize that it was just Kian.
"Kian! Why the hell did you scare me like that?!" I asked him slowly lying back down and placing the pillow back over my head. He just shrugged his shoulders and fell backwards on my bed beside me.
"What? Am I going to get arrested for scaring my sister?" He asked with a smirk forming on his lips. I chuckled at his dumb comment and took the pillow off of my head looking at him in the eyes. We have the tendency to think the same thing, so we just casually started a staring contest. I felt like my eyes were going to burst out of my head if I went on any longer. Kian's eyes started to water and he quickly blinked back the tears and rubbed the water from his face. I laughed at his attempt of stopping the water and whacked him on the head with my pillow. He looked at me and my face turned serious. We stared into each others eyes once again..... And than we just burst out laughing at each other. He smiled lightly at me and I returned it. I took my pillow back from him and got back under the covers. He laughed and slapped me across the face. I gasped and sat up looking at him.
"At least give me 5 minutes...." I whined at him. He opened his mouth to say something when are mom yelled something from downstairs.
"Kids! Breakfast!" She yelled loud enough for us to hear. I started to stand up when Kian pushed me down and ran for the door.
"HAHA I GET ALL THE BACON!" He screamed running down the stairs. I just laughed and got out of bed. I slowly walked out of my bedroom not even bothering to put on makeup or change, I just skipped down the stairs letting the sizzle of the bacon dash through my ears and the smell of freshly made toast run into my nose. I smiled as happiness grew inside of me making me skip even faster. I finally reached the kitchen to see that Kian was just about to put another piece of bacon into his mouth. I ran towards him and ripped the bacon out of his hands and I popped it into my mouth. His jaw dropped and he glared at me as I just smiled at him happy of what I did. We both reached for the last piece in the bowl when are mom grabbed are hands.
"Hey! No more bacon! Your dad needs at least one!" She said looking up the stairs. I heard a few shuffles from upstairs and our dad walked down the stairs with a big smile on his face.
"Hmmm.... The sweet smell of b- WHERES ALL THE BACON?!?!?!" He screamed. Kian and I just looked at the bowl and back at our dad. Kian pointed to his stomach and said.
"Right here!" Dad just looked at him with a disappointed face. I chuckled and looked down trying to hide it.
"Don't think your getting out of this that easily...." He said pointing at me. I smiled lightly and waved. He sighed and looked at mom.
"What time are we leaving again?" He asked her.
"Wait... Leaving?!" Kian and I said in unison.
"Yes, we are going to buy more furniture for the house. And you guys will be staying here.... Alone...." She said gesturing to us. "And there better not be a mess when we get back!" She said raising her voice a little. I smiled at her.
"Don't worry about me darling mother. I will take care of.... Him....." I said back to her. She just smiled and grabbed her keys from the shiny counter that I swear you can see your reflection through. And walked towards the door where dad was now getting his boats and coat on. Wait.... When did he get there?! Oh whatever. They said bye and waved lightly at us and slammed the door behind them. I got up and stared at Kian.
"Well..... This will be interesting...." I said to him. He smirked and looked at me.
"Yes.... Yes it is...."

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