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~Sam's POV~

Why is Emily calling me? What is she trying to do? Is she asking for my forgiveness? I sat there thinking if I should answer or not when I finally picked up the phone on the third ring. She was crying.
"What do you want Emily?" I snapped at her. She sniffled and sighed.
"I-I need y-your help S-Sam...." She stuttered. I scoffed and continued talking.
"Why the hell do you need my help at literally midnight!" I whispered loudly to her. She just continued to cry and then started speaking again.
"Do you remember my boyfriend Jake?" She said.
"You mean that ass that you dumped me for? Yeah I think I remember him!" I growled back.
"Well, h-he is trying to 'do things' to me, and I-I don't know what to do... I tried saying n-no but he just punched me and slammed the front door shut..." She stuttered to me once again.
"I already told you, when you left me for that douche I said clearly 'don't come crying to me when it doesn't work out.' And what are you doing now?! Crying and asking for my help! Just break up with him and go off with some other guy." I snorted to her, she just sobbed again and whispered to me.
"I already t-tried that.... But he won't take no for an answer.... Please take me back Sam! I need you right now!" She finished her sentence a little bit louder. And I just chuckled.
"I'm not taking you back Emily, I already have a girlfriend who at least tries to spend time with me. And plus, you don't deserve me, so why don't you go crying to one of your other boyfriends." I said raising my voice but still making sure not to wake anyone else up.
"I will find you Sam, don't think that running off to another country will help you, because it definitely won't. I know exactly where you are. And just remember, you can run, but you can't hide." She laughed and hung up the phone leaving me in suspense. She is the over obsessed girlfriend.... Oh my god... What the hell do I do?

-Next Day-

~Kate's POV~

I woke up to the smell of fresh pancakes from downstairs. I quickly hopped up from my bed and happily skipped towards the kitchen. Jc was by the stove cooking up some chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast. Kian was sitting by the table along with Connor and Trevor. Ricky was at the fridge grabbing out some chocolate milk, butter and syrup. I don't know where Sam is though... I just shrugged and walked over to the table.
"Good morning everyone!" I said with lots of enthusiasm in my voice. They all said morning and I sat at the table waiting for the food to come. A pair of warm hands covered over my eyes and they spoke in a deep voice. Obviously Sam.
"Guess who!" He said to me. I gasped and screamed.
"OMG IS IT MARCUS BUTLER?!" I said sounding as surprised as possible. I turned around to look at Sam and he chuckled.
"I'm so offended!" He said holding his hand over his heart. He laughed and leaned down kissing me on the lips.
"So you two are a thing now?" JC asked us. We nodded and he sighed.
"Finally!" He said after a bit. We laughed and Kian looked at him.
"Like I said, break her heart, I break your face." He repeated to Sam. We all laughed and Sam bent down.
"Of course your majesty." He said, we all laughed again, and finished up the pancakes that Jc finally finished making.
"I'm going to go explore the world outside!" I said as I walked upstairs to go get ready. I walked into the bathroom and started the shower. I stripped down and let the warm water hit my body. I quickly showered and climbed out wrapping the towel around me. I grabbed the blow dryer and dried off my hair as much as possible putting it into a side braid. I walked to my closet and grabbed a white shirt that says 'Love What You Do' on it. I slipped on some jeans and a beanie as I walked down the stairs. I yelled bye to the guys and walked out the door. The warm L.A air hit my skin as I walked down the streets. People wave and say hello to me as I walk pass them. A few minutes later a girl around my age stopped to talk to me.
"Hello! My name is Emily!" She said to me smiling cheerfully. I smiled back and started speaking.
"My names Kate! It's nice to meet you!" I said to her. She chuckled and spoke again.
"I know who you are! You are a youtuber! You're my favourite." She said to me.
"Can I get a picture with you?!" She asked me.
"Of course you can!" I smiled and she snapped the picture.
"You seem like a really nice girl! We should exchange numbers and maybe hang out sometime." I said to her pulling out my phone. She nodded and typed her number into my phone and I did the same with hers. We waved goodbye and I smiled to myself. This is going to be the start of a new friendship!

-A.N. Wow! What a long chapter, hope you enjoyed and make sure to favourite and comment! Bye!-

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