Sam... Whats Up With You?

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-Kate's POV-

Sam hasn't changed at all since yesterday, it's like something inside his brain clicked and he just went all weird like. I don't think he has slept at all lately and it's really worrying me. I sighed and jumped off my bed as I walked towards Sam's room. I knocked on his door and no one answered. So I opened the door and Sam was lying face up on his bed staring at the roof. Again.
"Sam? Babe. Are you okay?" I asked him smiling as I sat beside him.
"W- what? Oh yeah, I'm fine." He replied still looking at the wall in front of him. I sighed and turned his head so that he was looking into my eyes. I smiled once again and kissed him lightly. He smiled back.
"Look... Iv'e been meaning to tell you this... But E-Emily isn't someone you should trust..." He said while tapping his foot to the ground nervously. I tilted my head with a very confused look on my face.
"Why not? And what has been up with you lately?" I asked him still confused. "Emily is my ex girlfriend.... And lets just say, she is kinda crazy." He took a deep breath and then continued what he was saying.
"She called me recently, and she was begging for me to take her back. I refused and told her that I already have a girlfriend and that we are very happy together." I smiled when he mentioned me, and he kept talking.
"She then said that she will get me back and that she will find me. I just don't understand Kate..." He said. He put his head in his hands and sobbed quietly.
"I just don't want anything to happen to you.... I would never forgive myself for that."
"Oh Sammy.... Nothing will happen to me! I will be fine. I won't tell Emily where we are okay? Trust me, I will be safe." I said to him patting his back. He smiled and pressed his lips to mine.
"I love you. And don't you ever forget that." He said poking me in the stomach. I chuckled and kissed him once more before standing up and leaving the room. I turned around and looked at Sam again.
"I love you too." I said and blew him a quick kiss. He smiled and waved as I closed the door behind me. I let out a deep breath and pulled out my phone. I quickly texted Connor and asked him to grab whip cream and paper plates for my next video. I also mentioned for him not to tell Ricky about it. Time to prank him.
I hid a camera behind the blinds and I made a really quick Intro explaining what was going to happen. I then sat down on the couch as I waited for them to get home.
About 10 minutes later the guys burst through the door laughing. Connor glanced at one of the bags and nodded. I nodded back and told them to relax on the couch while I unpacked the bags. They just mumbled okay and sat down. Time for the pranking to begin....

-A.N. I feel like I haven't updated in like forever! But here is the next chapter. And more drama will come soon. Thanks so much for all the support!-

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