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~Kate's POV~

  I sigh as I walk over towards the computer. Light shines through the curtains as I sit down on the spinny  chair and click the ON button to the computer. I click the 'YouTube' icon on the screen and start watching Tyler Oakley's videos. He is one of my favourite youtubers and I hope that i can end up like him someday. So why don't you... A voice in my head said. Yeah, why don't I?! I'm going to create a youtube channel. I start right a way, clicking stuff. Making new gmail accounts.Doing everything to make this possible. Until it came to naming my channel... What should I name it?? Kate Lawley? No, that's to simple... Well, I started a new life at this house, so why not call it... 'My2ndLife' Yes! That's perfect! I smile to myself as I start to create my new channel. I was cut off by a knock at the door.

  "Come in!" I say to the person outside my door. All the guys walked in and looked at me.

  "What are you doing?" Trevor asked with confusion written all over his face. My smile grew wider as I explained to them about my new YouTube channel. Connor's face suddenly lit up brighter than the suns.

  "Why don't we all make the YouTube channel together and call it 'Our2ndLife'!!" I smiled and nodded my head rapidly.

  "We can call it O2L for short!" I said back. The rest all nodded and we got to it.

  About and hour later we all finished making the channel and set up our camera ready to film. "You all ready?" I asked them. They all said yes and I pressed record.

  "Hey guys! And welcome to our new channel Our2ndLife! Or O2L for short." I said into the camera. "Lets introduce ourselves." Connor said. And we all said our names and one word that we would use to describe ourselves. We continued with the video for another minute or so before we thought it was time to finish up the video. "So we will see you next week with another O2L video! Hope you enjoyed! Like, comment, and subscribe to our channel to see us humiliate ourselves for your entertainment! Byeeeee!" I said and ended the video. We all laughed and started editing the video. I took in a deep breath as my mouse hovered over the upload key... I sighed and clicked upload. This will be very interesting....

Do Nightmares Ever Come True? (An O2L fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now