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~Kate's POV~

I woke up from my deep sleep and saw light shining through the blinds by my window. I slid out of the covers and walked down the hall. I was just about to go downstairs when I heard sobbing. Someone was crying... I turned around and walked towards the noise. I stopped by the door and confusion came onto my face faster than a thunder bolt. It's Connor... Connor is crying... I let out a deep breath and knocked on the door.
"Connor? Can I come in?" I asked softly. I heard some shuffling from the other side of the door.
"C-come in..." I heard him whisper from inside. I sighed and turned the knob. He was curled up on his bed. His eyes were bloodshot and he looked like he got no sleep at all last night. I shut the door behind me and walked over to where Connor was and sat beside him. I started rubbing his back as he cries silently into his hands.
"Con... What's wrong?" I asked quietly. He looked into my eyes and smiled lightly. His eyes were filled with sadness and regret.
"I-I um.... I don't know how to say this..." He whispered.
"You can tell me, I won't judge you, and you know that..." I said to him and smiled.
"Okay... Here it goes... I-I'm... Kate, I think I'm gay..." He whispers once again.
I was shocked, Connor is gay? I don't mind at all, but I just didn't expect that... I would never judge Connor for being gay, he is one of my best friends, and I support him in everything.
"Connor." I said and tilted his head up so that he was looking at me. He looked worried, he must think that I don't approve.
"I'm not judging you. If you are gay than fine! Shout it off the highest mountains! Let the whole world know! I would never judge you for that. You are one of my best friends, and I think that its awesome that you are finally coming out." I said to him. He had a huge smile on his face once I told him that, he looked so happy to know that I supported him.
"Oh thank god! You really are my best friend Kate, and thank you. For supporting me." He says and looks down at his hands.
"No problem Connor. I'm going to go get breakfast. What to come?" I asked him. He smiled and nodded. He got up off of his bed and we both walked down stairs with huge smiles on our faces. I'm glad that he told me.

-A.N. I hope that you guys support Connor being gay just as much as I do. Hope you liked the chapter! Byeeee!!-

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