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Okay, so some people sent me direct messages and someone put a question in a comment, so here are some of the questions that I got, sorry if I didn't get to yours!

Q- I wanna write a book but I'm scared, if people don't like it should I post a book? And is it difficult to make a book?-
A- I think that you should follow your heart, everyone has a talent in them, and I think that you would be a great writer if you tried! And it takes time to write a book, honestly the hardest part about writing a book is figuring out the plot line. But once your story gets going you will enjoy writing your book even more.-

Q- When will you be posting another chapter?-
A- Hopefully sometime this week! But I will get to it.

Q- I love your story so much! When did you decide to write a story?-
A- Well, all of the stories that I have been reading are amazing, and I thought that it would be fun to write one of my own!-

Q- Are you going to have a big announcement soon?-
A- Yes! I am going to have a big announcement soon, when I reach 1000 reads I will be revealing something for you! So look out for that!-

Thanks so much for sending all your questions in, sorry if I didn't get to yours, I had lots on my list but these are the questions that I could fit in!?Bye everyone, and keep smiling!

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