Wait, I dont understand...

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~Sam's POV~

Kate walked inside the door with a huge smile on her face. Kian was sitting on the couch while all the other guys were out shopping. They can be so girly sometimes... I just chuckled and stared at her.
"What you looking at?" She asked still smiling. I just smiled back at her,
"Your cute when your giggly." I said to her as I blushed like a mad person. "Why you so smiley?!" I asked laughing at her happy mood.
"I. Kate Lawley. Just gave my first autograph and picture to a fan!!! A freaking fan!" She said back skipping towards me. My eyes went wide as I stared at her smiling face.
"Really?! What's her name?!" I asked still shocked at the news she just gave me.
"Her name is Emily. And I got her number!" She replied hugging me. I hugged back and thought hard. Oh my god.... Emily.... My ex girlfriend... She found me. I really don't understand what she is trying to do... It just is not right and she needs to stop. I'm with Kate now. And nothing will keep us apart. We broke up, and she means nothing to me anymore. She just needs to leave us alone. I hope nothing bad happens to Kate...

~Kate's POV~

I laughed after I finished hugging him and skipped upstairs towards my bedroom. I quickly grabbed my phone and sent a quick text to Emily.

To: Emily-
Hi Em! It's Kate! :D

She replied almost instantly.

From: Emily-
Hi Kate! I didn't think you would actually text me! Not many people text there fans...

I smiled at her text and texted her back.

To: Emily-
I'm not like that! I love talking to a fan!

From: Emily-
When are you filming your next video?!

I quickly responded to her.

To: Emily-
I already made my new challenge video! It will be up hopefully tomorrow!

From: Emily-
Awesome! I have to go. Ttyl!

I smiled and said goodbye to her. She is such a nice girl.
We texted most of the day, and she was saying that she told all of her friends about O2L and that made me have a little heart attack on my bed. I quickly ran downstairs when a knock was heard on the front door.
"I GOT IT!!!" I yelled running towards the door. I opened it to see the guys with shopping bags in there hands.
"Hey hey girl!" Ricky screamed in his most girly voice ever. I laughed as he engulfed me into a hug. He finally let go and the others grabbed me and we all did a huge group hug. Sam was sitting on the couch staring at the wall. I don't know whats been up with him lately... He keeps zoning out and going into his own little happy land. I just sighed and kissed his cheek causing him to snap out of his trance. He smiled and pecked my forehead as I lied down on his lap. Soon enough I fell into a deep sleep hoping that everything will be back to normal tomorrow.

-A.N. Sorry for the late chapter! Make sure to read my new story called "Power Freak" hope you enjoy it! Keep smiling!-

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