Where are we?

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~Kate's POV~

  My eyes flicked open and the bright lights blinded me. I waited for a few seconds as my bright blue eyes adjusted to the light above me. I sat up from a nice and comfy bed that I was lying on. I looked beside me to see Kian still sleeping. I turned over and started to try and wake him up, wow he is a real deep sleeper... He finally opened his eyes and shot up in the bed. He looked around at his surroundings and then looked at me with wide eyes.

  "Where are we...." He asked me slowly. I shrugged my shoulders and got out of the bed. I sighed and started pacing back and forth. I noticed a small door in the corner of the room and made my way towards it. Slowly I placed my shaking hand on the door knob and turned it. It was open.... I called Kian over to me and we walked out of the bedroom. A long hallway with rooms along it was right outside. We saw a stair case and we ran towards it hoping to get out of this place. We quickly but quietly went down the stairs, at the bottom was a beautiful living room. We walked towards it and heard talking. The floor creaked and they all snapped their heads towards us. Five teenage boys smiled lightly at us and one of the boys with a lip ring and dark brown hair started speaking.

  "Hey! Come sit, let us introduce our selves. My name is Sam!" The boy named Sam said. We slowly made are way towards the brown couch that looks like it could possibly hold three people. I sat down with Kian on my right and I curled up beside him.

  "Im Connor," One of them said, he had blonde hair and a smile that can light up the room.

  "My name's Jc! Nice to meet you!" The boy with brown hair that is kind of curly said.

  "The name is Ricky!" A boy with blonde hair that looks like Connors said.

  "And my name's Trevor! Nice to meet you two! So what are your names?" A boy who looks like the youngest out of all the boys here said. We smiled back at them and I took a deep breath and sat up looking around at all of them.

 "My name is Kate. And it's nice too meet you also!" I said to them. Kian looked at me and put his arm around my shoulder. He looked at the boys and they all stared at him smiling.

  "And I'm Kian. How did we get here?" He asked them with a serious face. They looked at each other  and then Connor spoke up.

  "We found you passed out somewhere and we wanted to help you. So we brought you to our place and we put you in our spare room and gave you some water. So yeah!" He said to us. The other guys chuckled and nodded.

  "Thanks so much. We could have died if you guys wern't there. Kian and I really appreciate it." I said and smiled at them.

  "So.... Why did you pass out anyway?" Jc asked us. Kian sighed and took over for me.

  "Well... We were left home alone one day and I was going to plan a party with all my friends. Kate stopped me and the phone rang... The p-police called and w-we were told t-that our p-parents d-died in a c-car crash.... We got kicked out of our house and we ran out of water.... So we passed out... And here we are now." By the end of his speech we were both crying and the guys were frowning. Sam stood up and came over towards me and patted my back.

  "Well, you guys are here now. And we aren't letting you stay out there alone. So you can stay with us for now!" He smiled lightly at us and I sniffled.

  "Are you s-sure? We don't want to intrude." I said to them. The other boys nodded and stood up. They walked over towards us and gave us a big hug. We smiled and laughed.

  "Thank you..." Kian and I said at the same time. We will finally be safe again.... No one and nothing to harm us....

-A.N. Thanks so much for the support! Sorry for the late update, but I made it long! So I hope you enjoy! Keep smiling! Bye!-


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