Chapter 11

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Back on board the Phoenix, your ship land at the hanger for before you along with Cora and Susie teleported out. You turn to Susie who looks around the hangar of the ship.

Susie: Wow!

Y/N: Welcome aboard the Phoenix, the mobile headquarters of the Galatic Rangers.

Susie: Wow!

Ratchet, Clank, Talwyn, Cronk, Zephyer, Brax and Elaris approach you and Cora.

Ratchet: Hey, guys. (Sees Susie) Who's she?

Susie: Hi there. I'm Susie! (offers hand)

Ractet kneels before shaking her hand.

Clank: Hello there. I am Clank.

Brax: How you doing, squirt? Name's Brax.

Elaris: She's so cute. I'm Elaris.

Elaris kneels before hugging ths child.

Ratchet: Where did you find her?

Y/N: I found her on board the BTS. She said she was held there for a week.

Elaris: You poor thing.

Susie's stomach growl meaning she's hungry.

Susie: I haven't eaten in days. You guys have food?

Sparky: Yes. It is lunch time.

Elaris: Come on, the cafeteria's this way.

You follow Elaris and the others before reaching to the mess hall of the ship.

You manage to grab food before you sat at the end of the table

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You manage to grab food before you sat at the end of the table.

Tawlyn helps Susie by getting her food before she wants to sit by you

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Tawlyn helps Susie by getting her food before she wants to sit by you.

The others grab their food before they sat down at the table

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The others grab their food before they sat down at the table. As they eat, you look at your soup before Cora looks at you.

Cora: Are you going to eat?

You sigh before you gather everyone's attention.

Y/N: Everyone, I have a secret. And it's time for that secret to be shown.

You reach for your hood before pulling it off your helmt. You then grab both sides of the helmet before you begin moving off your head. Cora, and the others watch as the helmet is finally remove and they were amazed about you.

Cora was bedazzled about your look

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Cora was bedazzled about your look.

Cora: (thinking) By the Zoni, he is hot. His face.... that I'd be happy to sit on.

Brax: You're a Makazian like Cora.

Y/N: You're close but no. I am a Human from Earth.

You begin explaining to Ratchet and the others about his resurection by Sparky. You tell them about his missions to combat againt the darkness and helping the Traveler before you took the fight to the Black Garden before destroying it. That is when a wormhole appears while you were on patrol before you were pulled in.

Brax: Wow. The enemies you've face are tough as the Blargs.

Y/N: Speaking of Blargs, we manage to collet this.

You show the Rangers and Info bot before it shows none other than Chairman Drek.

Elaris: We're setting a course there now.

After lunch the Phoenix heads for Orxon. You sat on a crate by your ship before you felt a hand on your shoulder. You turn to see none other than Cora.

Cora: You're like me.

Y/N: True but my ears...

You felt Cora's hand touching your ears which made you blush. She then leans her forehead to yours which made you stare into her beautiful eyes.

Y/N: Cora... I think I'm started to fall in love with you.

Cora: When I first met you, i felt the same way.

You gently touch Cora's cheek and you lean in close to her, readying to connect.

Sparky: Gaurdian...

You quickly pulled back in fustration.

Y/N: Ugh!! What now?!

Sparky: I've Intercepted a transmission from a Blarg communication.

???: Hey, did you hear about Captain Qawk, he has been speaking with the chairman about exterminating the Galacitc Rangers.

???: What about that hooded warrior?

???: Qwark has a surprise for him at his home base on Umbris.

Y/N: Cut the transmat. This is one mission I will deal with alone.

Cora: I'm coming with you.

You place a hand on Cora's cheek.

Y/N: I'm sorry, but not this time. But I will be back.

Cora: When we defeat Drek, I'm taking you to Pokitaru for a romantic spot.

Y/N: You're asking me to go on a date with you?

Cora: Maybe...

Cora gets a repond with a kiss... near her lips.

Y/N: I would love too.

Your Ghost materialized your helmet before you head to your ship before taking off to Umbris to find Qwark...

So close...!!! Will write more... Also I want to reveal the face of the Guardian... No arguments...

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