Chapter 7

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After nearly flying through hyperspace for nearly 20 minutes, Y/N and Ratchet arrived at the location of the signal. In front were rings of asteroids surrounding what appears to be a large space station.

Y/N: That's it. Is this where the signal came from?

Sparky: Hold up, I'm recieving an transmission.

Y/N: Open a channel.

Sparky opens up a channel before Y/N hears a transmission.

???: If anyone can here me, I need some help. My home base is being overuned by Drek's forces. My bodyguards and I can't hold them off for long. I'm sending out a signal to the Galactic Rangers! Get over here pronto! Zephyr, cover that left side!

The transmission drops with a static.

Ratchet: Who was that?

Y/N: I don't know, but we're going to find out.

Sparky: I've just trace the signal. We're very close.

Y/N: Let's go.

You accelerate your ship with Ratchet following you. You have arrived at your destination. You see Blarg ships attacking the station when it fires its guns, destroying at least a few of them.

Clank: Hunter, I suggest you head inside and repeal the boarders. We will deal with the enemy fighters.

Ratchet: That way we should keep most of the Blarg busy.

Y/N: Got it. Come on, Sparky.

Sparky: I wish you'd call me Ghost.

Y/N sees an open platform before your Ghost teleports you to it. You look before you see an elevator that leads you to the station.

Sparky: I'm reading several contacts througout the station and they are getting torn apart with extreme prejudice.

Y/N: Let's get going now!

You had to make your way through the station as you gun down Blargs who are still standing. 

Ratchet: Y/N, the last of the Blarg ships have been destroyed.

Y/N: Copy that, Ratchet. Meet me near the door way.

Y/N pull out your First Curse Hand Cannon before shooting a Blarg who tried to crawl away. You twirl your gun like a cowboy before tossing it in the air and catch it. You see Ratchet and Clank before turning to the door. It opens before you two move in to take a look around. The both of you see bodies of Blargs and Warbots before all of a sudden. Some struck you in the back of the head and you fall to the ground, blacked out.

Fireteam Solana (Ratchet and Clank x Destiny Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now