Chapter 17

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The Phoenix is on route towards the moon base to intercept Drek's army before they depart. Y/N and his new friends are in preparation to stop the enemy. On their way, Y/N gives Elaris some training in self defense including gun shooting. She is given the Red Mamba SMG and Talwyn's Multi Stars glove. With those, Elaris is no longer a "nerd" but a warrior like the others.

"We're approaching the Moon Base." Elaris informed.

"Get ready, soldiers. Let's end this." Y/N said cocking his Elder of Judgement rifle.

The command ship approaches Gemlink Base. Once there, the Rangers manges to climb onto Y/N's ship and he flies towards the base. Susie stays behind with Cronk and Zephyr. He lands and Sparky teleports them out. Elaris now wears a Galactic Ranger armor.

Y/N: "Qwark, your days as leader are done."

The group begin hunting down Qwark who is hiding somewhere in the base. Elaris looks around her surroundings in awe.

"I never though I would be out in the field." Elaris said.

Y/N: At least you need some fresh air, well. You're wearing a helmet to breathe. I'm sick of you being treated like shit. If being leader, you are coming with us, Elaris.

Elaris smiles before Sparky alerts the group.

Sparky: Quark is nearby.

Y/N is the first before Ratchet and Clank follow along the Rangers, Talwyn, Cronk, and Zephyr.  When they reach to the top, they found none other than Captain Qwark.

Talwyn: Look!

Elaris: Captain Qwark?

Qwark: Greetings Rangers.

Y/N: Qwark, you didn't get the job done. You have unleashed Hell.

Cora: What are you talking about, Y/N?

Y/N: You didn't hear? Your captain is working for Drek.

Ratchet: What?

Qwark: I would never do such a thing. And you can't prove it. Its my word against yours, Stranger.

Y/N: Oh really?

Sparky plays a recording of the intercepted transmission.

Record: Hey did you hear? Qwark has been talking with the chairman about exterminating the Rangers. What about that hooded guy? Qwark has a surprise for him.

Ratchet and the others were shocked to hear what the recording said.

Qwark: Wha?

Y/N: Actually it's your word against us. It's call a hustle, douchebag. Boom.

Ratchet and the others draw their weapons and point them at their leader.

Qwark: What do you Rangers think you are doing?

Elaris: By the order of the Solana Government, you are hereby relieved of duty.

Qwark was withered by the actions of his troops.

Qwark: Fine. Rangers, this fur ball is now your leader!

Clank: Why you?!

Y/N draws his hand cannon out is about to fire when Qwark jumps off the edge. He then emerges on top of a large star fighter.

Qwark: Come and get me, heroes!

The ex Captain flies out of the base.

Elaris: Ratchet, what are your orders?

Ratchet: Rangers, let's get him.

The warriors head to their ships and go after the traitorous Captain Qwark.  A dogfight occurs as Qwark uses the starship's weapons to hold of the Ranger fighters along with the Guardian's.

Qwark: Come on. It was just a joke. I didn't really talk to Drek.

Y/N: Oh really? Was a really a joke when you send that beast after me? And not forget when Novalis got destroyed!

That is when Qwark flies in attacks Ratchet. He manages to destroy his ship but the Lombax ejected at the last second. Talwyn manages to pull him into her ship allowing Y/N to fly in and shoot Qwark's ship, blowing it up. The ex Captain is out of control.

Qwark: Uh mayday! Mayday! Well Ratchet I say you pass the test! Whoa WHAAAAAA!!!!!

Qwark manages to eject just as the ship crashes into the moon. Qwark has been defeated.

Cronk: Yeah! We showed that crook whose boss.

Y/N takes a sigh of relief. Qwark has been beaten but Drek is still out there.

Sparky: We may have beaten Qwark, but Drek is still attacking Quarta city. We must stop him.

Ratchet: What are you orders.... sir?

Y/N:...... Let's kick some ass.

Play at 0:10

The fight is nearly finished

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