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Y/N: All units, engage!

Y/N and the Rangers engage the Blarg as the enemy approaches Novalis. The Guardian speeds up as he goes to destroy the ship that carries the Planet Buster Maximus.

Meanwhile, Ratchet and the others are picking off the Blarg ships one by one. Ratchet sees three Blarg ships before destroying them from behind.

Ratchet: Yeah! Nailed them!

Talwyn is engaging two Blarg Ships before another one ambushes her. She looks back to see the attacker.

Talwyn: I got one behind me!

Cora hears her cousin before moving in. Two Blarg move in and attack her.

Cora: Dammit! I got two behind me!

Talwyn: I can't shake them!

The fighters are closing in on each other with the enemies chasing them. Then an idea pops in Talwyn's head.

Talwyn: Cora, you thinking what I'm thinking?

Cora: Let's play chicken with these cone heads! 

The two Markazians move into position. They are 50 meters and closing in.

Talwyn: When I say now, you bank hard to your left.

The Blarg ships keep shooting at the girls who keeping flying towards each other.

Talwyn: Not yet! Not yet!

Cora: Come on! Come on!

They are 10 meters and now inches.

Talwyn: NOW!

She and Cora tilt their ships and they fly pass each other. The Blarg Ships on the other hand didn't have time and they collide into each other.

Cora: HA!

Talwyn: Nice job, Cora!

Brax goes after one of the warships, strafing from the rear all the way to the bow of the ship. The ship goes up in flames before is stops. Brax turns around and fires missiles at the bridge of the ship, before the vessel explodes into a fireball.

Brax: This is madness! Just the way I like it.

Meanwhile, Elaris along with Clank, Cronk, Zephyr, and Susie watch the battlefield before seeing the ship with the bomb getting close to Novalis.

Elaris: The ship is about to drop the bomb.

Y/N is getting closer to before seeing the command ship. It fires it turrets at Y/N, trying make him turn away.

Chairman Drek: Commander, drop the bomb and get our ships out of rang!

Y/N locks on and fires on the ship, before a large ship flies in and damages Y/N's fighter.

Sparky: Multiple damages have been reported on your ship. Weapon systems are offline.

Y/N: Shit! Get the goddamn cannons back online now!

From that ship that hit Y/N, Victor grins wickedly.

Victor: That's payback.

Drek: Release the bomb!

Elaris: NO!!!

The ship moves in and drops the bomb. The bomb reaches the planet before burning through the atmosphere.

Y/N: Sparky!

Sparky: It's too late. We have to get out of range.

Y/N: All units pull back!

Cora: Y/N!

Talwyn: We have to retreat. There is nothing we can do about it.

Y/N and the Rangers turn away as the Planet Buster Maximus slams to the surface of Novalis and then...

Y/N and the Rangers turn away as the Planet Buster Maximus slams to the surface of Novalis and then

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From the cockpit. Y/N watches in horror as Novalis is now gone. Cora on the other hand...

Cora: No.... NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

Elaris and the others were in shock to see Cora's home destroyed.

Y/N: We failed....

From his flagship, Drek grins in victorious.

Drek: It is done. Collect the final piece. We need to find a new location as soon as possible.

Qwark meanwhile saw the destruction before realising that he has felt something within him...


Qwark: What have I done?

The mission has failed but it is not over....

Fireteam Solana (Ratchet and Clank x Destiny Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now