Chapter 18

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After defeating Qwark, Y/N and the Rangers are now on the hunt for Chairman Drek. Y/N has never been a leader before. He was usually lead by the Vanguard, especially Cayde. With him, Zavala, and Ikora, Y/N is the best soldier. Now he is willing to lead the Galactic Rangers to victory.

In the briefing, Y/N looks at his warriors.

Y/N: Ok, soldiers. Listen up. Since Captain Queer is out of the way, I will be taking command until Drek is captured or dead.

(G/N [Your Ghost name] traces the Info Bot to Gorda City.

Y/N: Drek's army are attacking Gorda City on Oltanis. We have to get there and stop them by any means necessary. Elaris?

Elaris approaches and shows a hologram of the city.

Elaris: We should split up to cover more ground. A few transports are still presented. But stay alert.

Y/N: Cora, you Elaris, and I will take up town. Brax, you, Cronk and Zephyr take downtown.

G/N: Hang on, I'm picking up a signal once more. We'll need someone to investigate.

Y/N: That leads to you Ratchet. You, Clank, and Talwyn should go investigate.

Ratchet: Right.

Y/N: Rest of you, load up. We're approaching our destination.

Talwyn: Let's go, Ratchet.

The two along with Clank hea out while Y/N and the others approach Oltanis. They head for Y/N's ship and the Guardian flies towards the surface of the planet. The weather changed to thunderstorms with lightning. Once the ship lands, the warriors head out to complete their objectives.

Y/N: Cora, Elaris, let's go.

The three soldiers head through the city ruins,  running into Scoutbots and a few Minibombers.

Elaris: Take cover!

The warriors take cover before opening fire with their weapons. Y/N aims his Scout Rifle before shooting, bringing a few of them down. Elaris aims her weapon and fires, destroying two. Cora finishes the last of them off.

Cora: Clear.

The trio continues on before encountering more resistance. Elaris switches to her Plasma Strike Sniper Rifle and aim fires at the weakness of a Mini Bomber. Cora switches to her Bouncer launcher and shoots bouncing bombs at a handful of Scouts. Y/N throws a few grenades to destroy the last of them. They reach to a

Owner: Hey, hey, welcome to my shop! What can I get you!?

Ratchet: I'm looking for Drek!

Owner: Sure! Yeah, I got lots of stuff on sale! After the bombing, no one is around to buy anything!

Elaris: Are you okay?

Owner: Low prices? Ohh, you bet! I can make you a deal on a busted turborator, a mangled carbonizer, or, I got this infobot!

Cora: Guess that bombing was pretty loud, huh?

Owner: Oh ho! You are one shrewd negotiator! I'll tell ya what, I can let this infobot go for half price!

Y/N: We'll take it!

After purchasing the infobot...

Owner: Well, that's about it for me!

Y/N: Thanks!

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