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Warning, there will be an image of love making. Do not report...

On route, Y/N's Ghost had collected as much data from the factory.

Sparky: I have gathered the data from the factory. I do believe Drek was last seen at Hoven. He is transporting the bomb to.... no. It can't be.

Y/N: What's the matter?

Sparky: He is about to drop the payload towards.... Novalis.

Y/N: Elaris, send an emergency signal to the leaders on the system. Tell them to evacuate immediatly!

Elaris: Got it!

Y/N: We need to locate the ship that is carrying the bomb that we can destroy it.

Sparky: Understood, Guardian.

As Sparky uses the data, Y/N turns to see someone leaving the bridge. Something is wrong so the Guardian decides to find out. Y/N walks down the hall before looking around. He heads for the hangar to search around Y/N notices a ship leaving the hangar. He fears that Cora has left him, but sees her ship parked next to his. Y/N sighs before he decides to return to the bridge. Once there, the human sees Susie playing with Talwyn along with Clank. He smiles before he feels a hand.

Cora: Y/N.

The Guardian turns and sees the Markazian with a bit of guilt on her face.

Y/N: What's wrong, Cora?

Cora: What your Ghost said is true. Novalis is more than a planet. It's my home.

It is true. Drek is preparing to destroy Novalis with the Planet Buster Maximus bomb.

Y/N: We can't let it happen. We will stop Drek no matter what happens.

Cora: You are the best warrior I have ever met. What are you going to do after we defeat Drek?

Y/N: I was thinking of... I guess I can stay here for a while. But after, I will find my way back home.

Cora gets a bit sad after what she has heard. Y/N plans on returning back home. She didn't want to be alone.

Cora: If you're going back home.... then take me with you.

Y/N: What?

Cora: You take me with you, Guardian?

She leans in with her arms wrapped around his neck and then.

Y/N closes his eyes before embracing Cora

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Y/N closes his eyes before embracing Cora. The human guardian is now with Cora as they kiss with passion. Cora then places her tongue near Y/N's mouth begging for entrance. He opens his mouth and feels the Markazian's tongue stroking his. Cora then grabs his hands and places them on Cora's butt, making her thrown her head back in pleasure. Y/N lifts Cora, allowing her to wrap her legs around his waste, tightly. They part before looking at each other, breathing from their kiss.

Cora: You take me....

Y/N: Yes, Cora. I will take you with me.

???: Then take me as well.

The two to see Elaris who approaches them. Cora untangles her legs before getting back down.

Y/N: Elaris, what are you doing here? I though you are helping Sparky?

Elaris: I was, but Sparky said he can handle the rest.

Cora: So what brings you here?

Elaris said nothing before approaching Y/N, grabs him and kisses him. She then jumps and wraps her legs around him as well. Cora sees this before smirking. After a few minutes, Elaris pulls back with siliva attached.

Y/N: What was that for, Elaris?

Elaris: That's for standing up for me. I think I'm in love you with Cora.

Cora: Now you will have to take the both of us to your home world.

Y/N sees the girls before smiling.

Y/N: I have never have another girl kiss me, but what the hell. We should head back to the bridge.

Cora and Elaris each grab Y/N's arms before they walk together as a three way couple. Just then, moaning was heard before the three stop. Y/N see a door cracked open befoe sticking an eye through. So did Elaris and Cora. What they saw surprise them. Ratchet in on the bed, naked with Talwyn riding him.


Talwyn: Yes! Yes!! OHH!! Uh!!

The three of them pull away before smiling.

Y/N: I think Ratchet has finally found his love.

Cora: We shoud leave them.

The three return to the bridge. After at least a half of day, the Phoenix approaches Novalis. There they spotted Drek's fleet.

Y/N: There it is

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Y/N: There it is.

Clank: There is also the ship with the bomb.

Brax: They're preparing to drop it.

Y/N: No time to lose. Let's go.

Y/N, Cora, and Brax, head for their ships. Ratchet and Talwyn also joined in after their love making to stop the fleet.

Meanwhile, in the flagship, Chairman Drek sees them.

Drek: Just as you predicted Captain

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Drek: Just as you predicted Captain.

Next to the chairman was none other than Captain Qwark who had a bit of stern look on his face. Also Victor sees the Ranger ships before seeing the Guardian's ship.

Victor: The hooded stranger.

Drek: Take care of them. (Qwark and Victor leave the bridge) Commander, command the ship to the surface of Novalis and drop the payload. All fighters, keep those troublemakers off my back!!

Y/N leads the fighter attack to stop the bomb.

Ghost: Fighters coming in.

Y/N: All wings, engage!!

The dogfight is commenced as the battle for Novalis has begun...

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