Chapter 19

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Y/N is absolutely livid. Cora, Elaris, and Susie had been kidnapped by Victor by the order of Chairman Drek. He is one the verge of destroying everything around him.

Y/N: Guys, I am absolutely pissed.

Ratchet: You're not the only one whose pissed off. Chairman Drek is about to use the Deplanetizer to destroy my home.

Clank: I do believe that Drek along with the prisoners are aboard his flagship. His fleet is heading towards Veldin.

Ratchet: I know where it is. We find him and stop him.

Y/N: Everyone, load up. We are heading out.

The Phoenix heads out towards Drek's fleet. The warriors load their weapons to take down Chairman Drek. Y/N stares at the stars with a bit of sadness.

Y/N: I was a fool. I should've just stay aboard the ship. That son of a bitch robot shall be the first to die. Cora, Elaris, Susie, I failed you.

After a while, the warriors arrived to see Drek's fleet approaching Veldin.

Y/N: Brax, you, Cronk and Zephyr focus your attack on the fleet while Ratchet, Clank, Talwyn, and I go look for Drek. If Cora, Elaris, and Susie are on board, we find them. Show them no mercy! Let none escape!

Brax: Now that's what I'm talking.

Cronk: Yeah! Time for a robotic butt whopping!!

Zephyr: Then let's go get them!

[Ghost Name] teleports Y/N, Ratchet, Clank, and Talwyn on his Guardian's ship. Y/N takes control and flies for Drek's flagship. Brax and Talwyn's robot guards see the escorts and open fire. A few Blarg ships see them and counterattack. As the battle rages, Y/N's ship lands in the hangar of Drek's flagship.

The three warriors are teleported out.

Y/N: Stealth is no longer an option. This is a battle of attrition. Kill them all

They storm in and raid the ship, killing all of those who stood in their way. They reach to sections of the ship guarded by lard warbots and robo dogs. Y/N throws a Swarm grenade in the next room. It detonate releasing smaller ones who seek and destroy targets.

They clear the area before heading to the next area.

Ghost Name: Guardian, I picking up a lifeform up ahead.

Y/N: Then we must be close.

Talwyn decides to fight close up so she puts on her Razor Claws. The heroes reach to the door. Placing an explosive charge, Talwyn moves back and detonate with an explosion.

Those guards who are close to the door were instantly destroyed in the explosion

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Those guards who are close to the door were instantly destroyed in the explosion. Y/N and Ratchet shoot the last of the guards before the smoke clears. Tied to a chair was Susie who sees then. She tries to speak, but was gagged.

Y/N: Susie!

He goes to her and cuts her free and pulls out the gag.

Susie: Y/N!

She tightly embraces him.

Y/N: What happened to you?

Susie: We were kidnapped and taken to this ship.

Y/N: Wait. It's just you? Where are Cora and Elaris?

Susie: I don't know, but I saw getting put in a cage inside a giant robot.

Talwyn: Then we need to get to the bridge. Drek has to be there.

Y/N: Let's finish this.

The group reach to the bridge and they slowly approached the command chair weapons at the ready.

Y/N: Drek, turn around now!

Just then an info bot appears before showing them a film.

Announcer: Tonight on Blarg TV, the event you've all been waiting for, the total annihilation of an entire planet! Witness the power, the destruction and the nothingness that follows! So join Ultimate Supreme Executive Chairman Drek as he pushes the button that ends one world and begins another! Then, stay tuned for The Galaxy's Funniest Superhero Bloopers, featuring Captain Qwark!

Y/N sees Cora and Elaris tied together in a large robot.

Talwyn: There's Cora and Elaris!

Ratchet: Now we know where he is! Let's get him!

Y/N: Hang in there, loves. I'm coming. Ghost, overload the ship's engines. Drek is not escaping this time.

Ghost goes into the ship control and begins overloading the engines. It will start a chain reaction to cause the entre ship to explode.

P.A: Warning! Engine meltdown imminent! Evacuate immediately.

Y/N: Back to the ship!

The group returns to Y/N's ship and they fly back to the Phoenix. Brax, Cronk, and Zephyr had finished off the last of Drek's ships before returning to the Phoenix.

After landing they reach to the bridge.

Y/N: Its almost over everyone. Drek is heading for Veldin. We got to stop him.

Ratchet: That maniac is going to pay for what he as done.

Y/N goes to the his ship before reaching his locker and opens up. At the bottom was a large cloth tigh with ropes. He sighs before pulling it out and placing it on the floor. He unraps it before showing the reward he got after defeating SIVA.

 He unraps it before showing the reward he got after defeating SIVA

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Y/N: My friend. The first time I've used you when the Taken arrived. When you struck down Crota. When you avenged Eris' friends and sight. Now you rise once more. Lord Saladin, recognize one of your Iron Lord.

The Sword lights up and Y/N swings a few times before looking with determination.

Y/N: Dominus ferreus hic est...

The final battle is approaching.

ALSO RIP Queen Elizabeth II (1926-2022)

Fireteam Solana (Ratchet and Clank x Destiny Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now