Chapter 8

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You hear ringing in your head which made you winch. You tried to cover your ears but you can feel your hands tides together. Your vision finally returned to normal after blurring. You look before your eyes caught attention of a girl flanked by her robot bodyguards. She has her weapon pointed at you.  The Duel Viper Pistols

???: Well congratulations

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???: Well congratulations. You three have won an all expense paid out the airlock. Hope you mind letting yourselves out. I hate that popping sound of bodies decompressing in space...

Ratchet: Wait! You don't understand. We came to answer your distress call!

???: You're not one of the Blarg sent to ransack my place?

Y/N: We're not like those bastards. We took some of them out who bypass your security.

???: Yeah! You show those coneheads.

???: I give that Lombax credit!

???" What?!

She looks at Ratchet's ears and tail.

???: He is a Lombax! Cronk! Zephyr! Lower your weapons.

The girl puts her weapons away before approaching you, Racthet and Clank and release from the bindings.

Y/N: Who are you anyway?

???: Name's Appogee. Talwyn Appogee and these are my robotic bodyguards, Cronk and Zephyr.

You to explain to her that the Galaxy is under threat by Chairman Drek and his goons. You and Sparky had took part along with Ratchet and Clank to be with the Galatic Rangers to stop Drek once and for all. Your Ghost tells Talwyn that Drek is preparing to disable the Star Watch Cannon on the Batalia System.

Talwyn: If you're heading for Batalia, you're gonna need some extra hands.

Clank: Thank you, Mrs. Apogee.

Talwyn: Let me stock up and we'll get going.

Talwyn reaches to her weapons cabinat before stocking up. She is armed to the teeth.

 She is armed to the teeth

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Mutli Stars

Splitter Sniper Rifle

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Splitter Sniper Rifle

Negotiator Rocket Launcher

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Negotiator Rocket Launcher

Negotiator Rocket Launcher

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Razor Claws

With these weapons, this is one girl you should never mess with.

Talwyn: Ready to go?

Talwyn heads for the teleportation device, swaying her hips which made Ratchet blush.

Clank: I do believe Ratchet is developing feelings for Mrs. Apogee. Hehehe...

Sparky: So does Gaurdian who start to have feelings for Cora.

Y/N: Quiet, Little Light.

Sparky: Don't... do... that... again...

The six of you head for the ships and head out to meet up with the Rangers at Batalia...

Write more soon....

Fireteam Solana (Ratchet and Clank x Destiny Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now