Chapter 2

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"Guardian! Guardian! Eyes up, Guardian!!"

You slowly wake up after losing consciousness from the wormhole. You look and see that a planet not far for from your position.

"You alright, Guardian?"

You turn and see your Ghost hovering in front of you.

"Yeah. What happened?" You asked.

"You lost conscious after being pulled from the whirlpool." Ghost informed.

"Where are we?" You asked him.

The Ghost looks around and sees a planet but the galaxy is different.

"I have no information on our location, but I bet we could get some information from that planet over there." Ghost said.

"Let's go." You said before firing up your ship and fly towards the surface of the planet.

When your ship enters the atmosphere of the planet, you look and see a city not far from your location. But to your surprise, you see buildings over clouds. 

"Ghost, am I dreaming or this is real to me?" You asked him.

"I don't think so, Guardian." The Ghost said. Then he sees a warship and coming out of it were robots. "I'm detecting unknown contacts deployed by that warship."

"Find an opening space and land there." You said.

Your Ghost sees an opening and lands your ship before you exit it. You had your "Elder of Judgement" and make a run for the battlefield. You reach to a building and take cover behind the corner. You then took out your binoculars and look and see 3 warriors shooting back against the robot army.

"Ghost, are you seeing this?" You asked him.

"I'm picking up no trances of energy from the light and those robots are not like Vex." Ghost said. 

Then one of them turns and sees your.

"New target detected." It said before turning towards you. Soon some of the Robots stop and they turn towards you.

"You've been spotted." Ghost said before hiding inside your helmet.

"No shit, detective." You groaned before you emerged and open fire on them. They get blown into bits. "Theses are like papers."

You  run and jump on a robot before jumping again in the air. You quickly summon you void and draw out your Nightstalker Bow. You quickly pull the string and release the arrow on a group. The void traps them before gunning them down. The three warriors stop shooting and see you before you land near them.

"Whoa!" The large warrior said.

You turn and you see three unknown beings. Two aliens and human in green spandex. You look and stare at the female alien. She is nearly similar to an elf and she has black hair with red strip on the left. 

You both stare at each other before a voice caught there attention

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You both stare at each other before a voice caught there attention.

"You there, warrior!" 

You turn and see the general of the army.

He draws his electric blades from his wrists

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He draws his electric blades from his wrists.

"Face me!" He shouts to you.

You turn and face him who charges at you. You run towards him with with your power, you summoned you Arcstrider and you clashed against his. You have agility and speed since you are a Hunter and you have no problem dueling against an opponent. The female alien and others watched in amazement as you combat against the general. 

You then quickly end the fight with an electric push and that knocks him to the ground. You then point your spear at him.

"Surrender." You said to him.

"You may have run this round, but this is far from over." He said before you avoid a quick attack allowing him to escape. 

The fight was over and you turn and see the female alien.

"Well, i got to say, you sure know how to pick a fight with Victor." she said.

"Y/N L/N." You said offering a fist bump.

"Cora Veralux." She said fist bumping yours.

Fireteam Solana (Ratchet and Clank x Destiny Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now