Chapter 20

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Y/N and the others head off to Ratchet's home world, Veldin. Cora and Elaris were kidnapped and being held by Chairman Drek. The heroes ready their weapons and prepare for the assault. The Phoenix approaches Veldin before making its descent. The group wastes no time before heading for Y/N's ship.

Once the command ship enters the planet, Y/N flies his ship to find Drek.

Ratchet: My garage is up ahead. We can continue on foot.

Y/N: Good idea.

The ship reaches to Ratchet's garage before landing near it. The group teleports out and they move out.

Ghost: I've detected enemy forces.

At the cue, a battalion of Drek's soldiers arrive before opening fire.

Y/N: Take cover!

The group find some rocks or craters to take cover.

Brax: Looks like they send us a welcoming party.

Ratchet looks around before sees a makeshift tower near him.

Ratchet: Tal, head for the tower. We'll cover you.

Talwyn: Okay!

Y/N: Cover fire!

Y/N, Ratchet, Brax, Cronk, and Zephyr open fire on the Blarg while Talwyn runs towards the tower. A few of the enemies were gunned down as Talwyn reaches the tower and climbs up. Once at the top, Talwyn takes out her Splitter Sniper Rifle. She aims before picking the goons off one by one.

Y/N throws one of his grenades and it takes out a handful of Blarg. All of a sudden, a tank appears and nearly blasts Y/N who was thrown back. Talwyn sees it before switching to her Negotiator Rocker Launcher. She fires and the rocket strikes the tank causing a massive explosion. Soon the remaining Blarg are left.

Blarg: They're too powerful!

Blarg 2: Retreat!

They drop their weapons and flee. One of them tries to escape when his leg gets blown off. He falls to the ground sheering in agonizing pain. He turns to see Y/N with his hand cannon out. The Guardian puts it away before reaching to the Blarg.

Y/N: Where's Drek?

Blarg: I don't know. He told me to hold you guys off.

Y/N pulls out his Hunter Knife and throws it at the other leg making the goon scream in pain.

Y/N: Where is he?!

Blarg: He's near by!

Y/N: Thank you for your cooperation.

He pulls out his hand cannon and blows the Blarg's brains out. The group continues on before loud footsteps was heard. The group looks before a giant machine appears before them.

 The group looks before a giant machine appears before them

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