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The destruction of Novalis strikes a crippling blow against the Galactic Rangers. And what's worse is that Cora is devastated by the loss of her home, friends, and family.

At the bridge, the heroes were in grief after what happened. Susie is crying while Clank along with Brax comforts her. Talwyn and Ratchet embrace each other along with Clank, Cronk, and Zephyr. Y/N meanwhile, is alone when he stumbles upon Captain Qwark's room. All around the room were various items of the captain's logo. He sees a portrait of Captain Qwark all muscular on top of a hill with Brax and Cora.

Y/N sees a Captain Qwark alarm clock before grabbing it and throwing at the face of Qwark, destroying the clock and ruining the picture. He then grabs his knifes and begin stabbing only the image of Captain Qwark. As he unleashing his rage, he starting to shed tears. He quickly removes his helmet before starting to destroy the Captain's room.

The noise attracted the heroes, even Cora.

Cora: Y/N!

Y/N said nothing as he flips Qwark's bed and smashes his Holo vision. After releasing all of his anger, Y/N drops his knifes before falling to his knees, crying. Cora and Elaris carefully approach him.

Y/N: I want this war to end. I really do. It's not your guy's fault. I want to destroy Drek, but not just him, but also Victor, Qwark, and those cone heads who served him. They slaughtered innocent people. They are a bunch of animals! I HATE THEM!!!

Cora and Elaris approach him and they carefully wrap their arms around the Guardian, giving him comfort. They embrace each other for awhile as Y/N calms down after all the temper.

Later on, Y/N is at the bridge after calming down.

Sparky: We have intercepted a transmission from Chairman Derek.

Drek: Men, you are about to embark on a very dangerous mission. We will be launching a heavily armed surprise attack from our new moon base against the completely unarmed planet. Actually, that doesn't sound too dangerous...*abrupt cough* Nevertheless... your orders are simple - destroy anything that moves. Steal the power generators from Gorda City. Then, destroy anything, that... doesn't move! Oh, and don't forget - have fun!

Y/N: Set course to the base immediately.

Elaris: Roger that.

The Phoenix sets off towards the moon base.


Surpreme Executive Chairman Drek's flagship - Oltanis Orbit]

Aboard the fleet, Drek and Qwark were seen walking side by side towards a small shuttle in the middle of the room.

Drek: It is time to begin your new assignment.

Qwark: Ah, a photo op by your shiny new shuttle!Terrific idea!

Drek: (sigh) You really are an idiot...

Qwark: What?

Drek: YOU are to take that shuttle to the moon base and ambush those  miscreants when they arrive!

Qwark: Oh yes! Heh, er, who are they again?

With a growl, he pointed towards a wanted poster with the Galactic Rangers and Y/N on there.

Qwark: Oh, of course! There's just one problem, I'm-

Drek: Too washed up for ground combat? True. That is why I will be loaning you my star fighter! You can still fly, can't you?

Qwark couldn't help but nod at this point.

Drek: It's settled then. You will acquire the star fighter once you get to the moon. Screw this up and the endorsement deal is OFF!

Qwark: (large gasp) But that would ruin me! (angrily) You wouldn't!

Drek: Hehheh, try me.

Qwark went towards the ship - which once inside he looked awfully cramped - and left the area.

Fireteam Solana (Ratchet and Clank x Destiny Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now